



英國於2019年7月25日在劍橋大學植物園(Cambridge University Botanic Garden)測量到攝氏38.7度的氣溫,創下歷史高溫。(New official highest temperature in UK confirmed)(中文新聞:國出現38.7度史上最高溫 英植物園園長:我們沒有正視氣候變遷


這個新高溫打破2003年秋天英格蘭肯特郡法弗舍姆市測得的38.5°C紀錄。(This figure exceeds the previous record of 38.5°C recorded in Faversham, Kent, in August 2003.)



英國氣象局於2019年7月31日指出「英國前十名高溫紀錄都在2002年之後」(Top ten UK’s hottest years all since 2002),該局說自1884年以後的氣象資料,顯示出史上前十名高溫都在2002年之後,而前十名低溫則都在1963年之前。

(An updated analysis of the annual UK temperature records from the Met Office shows that since 1884 all of the UK’s ten warmest years have occurred since 2002; whereas none of the ten coldest years have occurred since 1963.)


(These figures are further indications of a changing climate, says the Met Office.)



(Beginning with the hottest, the top ten warmest years in sequence are: 2014; 2006; 2011; 2007; 2017; 2003; 2018; 2004; 2002; and 2005.)



(Beginning with the coldest, the top ten coolest years in sequence are: 1892; 1888; 1885; 1963; 1919; 1886; 1917; 1909; 1887; and 1962)


值得注意的是,1892年是目前紀錄最冷的一年,當時平均氣溫剛剛超過7度。 相較之下,2014年是最熱的一年,平均溫度接近10攝氏度。 

(Notably, 1892 is the coldest year in the series, when the average temperature was just over seven degrees. By contrast 2014, which was the warmest year in the series, saw an average temperature approaching ten degrees Celsius.)


歐洲太空總署(European Space Agency)根據歐盟「哥白尼計畫」(Copernicus program)蒐集資料而成的衛星影像,呈現歐洲各地,尤其是荷蘭、比利時與德國,6月底與7月底的高溫狀況。而巴黎近日出現攝氏41度高溫,打破1947年的舊紀錄。 






衛星影像看歐洲熱浪 大地通紅如陷赤焰之中




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