

笑翠鳥Laughing Kookburra-澳洲昆士蘭Undara Experience-20141117-賴鵬智攝-1-縮-後製.JPG - 日誌用相簿攝於澳洲昆士蘭州 Undara Experience 生態度假村附近的疏林草原


笑翠鳥英文名字為Laughing Kookaburra,學名Dacelo novaeguineae,原生東澳特有種鳥(但已被引入西澳、塔斯馬尼亞、紐西蘭),是翡翠科笑翠鳥屬成員。之所以被稱為笑翠鳥,是牠們的鳴叫聲好似人類狂笑的聲音而得名。

網路上有影片可以看到聽到笑翠鳥是如何的「笑」 法,看了聽了就讓人很快樂:https://www.wimp.com/kookaburrabird/

澳洲人還為牠寫了「笑翠鳥之歌」(The Kookaburra Song),歌詞如下:(各版本歌詞或有些許差異)

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree,
Merry merry king of the bush is he.
Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra,
Gay your life must be!

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree,
Eating all the gum drops he can see.
Stop Kookaburra, stop Kookaburra
Save some there for me!

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree,
Counting all the monkeys he can see.
Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra
That’s not a monkey, that’s me! 

2014年11月我們赴澳生態旅遊考察團在一處休閒農莊等著義大利籍名廚製作的披薩出爐時,大家為澳洲導遊Barry Davies演唱他教我們的這首笑翠鳥之歌,請看底下錄影:

此影片可全螢幕觀賞,如頻寬夠可在放映後點選更高畫素觀看,效果更佳。錄影器材:Panasonic HDC-HS700

底下影片與相片則是在昆士蘭Undara Experience生態度假村附近的疏林草原拍到的本尊:

此影片可全螢幕觀賞,如頻寬夠可在放映後點選更高畫素觀看,效果更佳。錄影器材:Panasonic HDC-HS700 

笑翠鳥Laughing Kookburra-澳洲昆士蘭Undara Experience-20141117-賴鵬智攝

笑翠鳥Laughing Kookburra-澳洲昆士蘭Undara Experience-20141117-賴鵬智攝-2一次看到五隻,真是賺到了。





Dear members and supporters,

On Wednesday 15th July, Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt launched BirdLife Australia’s State of Australia’s Birds 2015 Headline report. With the surprising result that common Australian birds such as kookaburras and magpies are starting to head into trouble in some regions, the launch caused a stir across regional and national media outlets.  

Watch the video with highlights from the launch:


State of Australia’s Birds 2015 introduces the Australian Terrestrial Bird Index – a series of indices for Australia’s major land-based bird groups. Based on BirdLife Australia’s Birdata  – one of Australia’s largest biological datasets collected by volunteer citizen scientists over the last 15 years –  this ground-breaking research maps the health of our bird populations using globally endorsed analysis methods. 

By providing a national health check for Australia’s birds and biodiversity in general, the Index helps us to understand which bird groups and species are in trouble, across Australia as well as in specific regions.

Initial results from the Terrestrial Bird Index suggest declines in many bird groups in across most regions. It appears that the state of Australia’s biodiversity, reflected by our birds, is getting worse.

Trends of birds in your region — the East Coasst — are highly variable. However, some surprising trends incllude:

  • Previously unrecorded declines for some common species, including the Laughing Kookaburra and Southern Boobook
  • Declines in aerial insectivores, with five of eight species showing significant overall declines since 1999, and a 50% drop in average reporting rates of the Rainbow Bee-eater since 2001


Get the State of Australia’s Birds 2015 Headline report now 

This report explains how the Australian Bird Indices have been developed and provides headline results from four regions which together cover a vast area of Australia’s landmass. 


Act now to help Australia’s Birds

The Australian Bird Index relies on high-quality datasets collected by volunteers around the country. Over the past 15 years, 4000 volunteers have conducted over 400,000 bird surveys. 

However, there are parts of the East Coast where we have little or no data. Further monitoring and analysis is needed to close this gap, identify trends in the regions and to understand the factors driving population changes.

  1. Join the State of Australia’s Birds Thunderclap. Help us spread the word about the plight of Australia’s birds and recruit more citizen scientists through your online social networks.
  2. Simply visit our Thunderclap page and choose either “Support with Twitter” or “Support with Facebook” —” or both! On 23 August 2015 everyone who signs up will automatically have the same message posted on their Twitter and/or Facebook accounts.
  3. If you haven’t already, join our citizen science community. Anyone with an interest in birds can get involved and make a great contribution. Go tostateofbirds.org.au to register your interest. We’ll get in touch with your about volunteer opportunities in your area.

Thanks again for your interest in Australia’s birds!




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