澳洲生態旅遊協會(Ecotourism Australia, EA)在2018年10月改選理事會(十席理事)中的五席理事,並在理事會重組後開始規劃新的發展策略,在2019年1月發布了2019年四項提昇會員福祉的優先策略(Our Board has spent the past three months developing four high priority strategies for this year to bring more benefit to our members)及3年的發展策略如下:
- 引領及促進生態旅遊產業低碳化 Lead and facilitate the ecotourism industry’s transition to a low carbon future,
- 創造可以讓生態旅遊茁壯發展的區域商業環境 Create regional business environments that allow ecotourism to thrive,
- 2020年1月前全面數位化,讓所有服務都能上線 Implement a digital strategy that ensures all services are online by Jan 2020,
- 透過我們執行的方案與服務,讓保護地經營管理人員、政府機關及非政府組織都能更肯定我們的價值 Increase our value to PAMs, government, and non-government agencies through programs and services. (註:PAM是Protected Area Manager的縮寫)
以上策略將為我們更清楚聚焦在往後12個月要做的事情,同時建構3年的發展策略如下: These strategies provide a clear focus for management over the next 12 months and build on our three-year strategy of:
- 強化及促進我們的(生態旅遊)產業 Strengthening and promoting our industry,
- 交流國際間實務範例、經驗、產品及服務 Delivering internationally respected, best-practice programs, experiences, products, and services,
- 成為一個管理完善的永續經營組織 Being a well-managed sustainable organization,
- 並為會員創造價值 and Generating value for our members