

澳洲生態旅遊協會提供免費見習機會.jpg - 日誌用相簿


澳洲生態旅遊協會(Ecotourism Australia)成立於1991年,是世界上極早成立的生態旅遊專業非營利組織,致力推廣環境可持續及對文化負責任的旅遊方式。1996年推出全球第一個國家級的生態旅遊標章認證系統(National Ecotourism Accreditation Program, 後於2003年改名為ECO Certification),並於2015年8月獲得全球永續旅遊推動聯盟(Global Sustainable Tourism Council, GSTC)核可為國際永續旅遊標章,而成為全球性的標章。


  • 生態認證 ECO certification (replaced NEAP in 2003)
  • 氣候行動認證 Climate Action (launched in 2008)
  • 尊重原住民文化認證 Respecting Our Culture (transferred from Aboriginal Tourism Australia in 2008)
  • 生態導覽認證 EcoGuide certification (launched in 2000) 
  • 澳洲生態旅遊協會現有超過500個獲得上述標章標章,友善環境操作的旅遊業會員,含括1500種生態旅遊商品。 





    Email: [email protected]




    Ecotourism Australia regularly offers internships and volunteer placements to interested candidates and students studying in the fields of tourism management, marketing, eco and sustainable tourism, and environmental science. Our internships and volunteer placements are unpaid and generally require a minimum of three days per week for a minimum duration of three months. To apply for an internship or volunteer placement, please send a cover letter and CV to our Operations Manager, Emily: [email protected].

    細節請看:Ecotourism Australia’s Internship Program

    Ecotourism Australia’s Internship Program

    Posted by Patrick Mills on 12 September 2016 | Comments

    Tags: Internshipsinternsprofessionalcertificatesmarketingcommunicationtourismenvironmental,scienceecotourismsustainabilityaustralia

    Are you a nature lover? Are you passionate about sustainability? Do you want to enter the world of nature-based tourism? Ecotourism Australia’s (EA) internship program is a great opportunity to learn from a leading ecotourism organisation.

    As an innovator within the industry, EA’s membership spans across a number of public and private tourism bodies; private businesses, tourism operators, protected area managers and individuals. As a part of EA’s team, interns gain a professional understanding of the interrelationship between tourism bodies and the mechanics behind developing and promoting quality and sustainable tourism best practice within the industry.

    Interns are treated as full employees. As such you will need to apply against a job description, pass an interview and commit to a minimum of three months (at least 3 days p/week),

    The internship program typically appoints interns to two of EA’s major components – the certification programs and its digital communications campaign.

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    Certification Program

    Often EA’s interns have extensive theoretical knowledge of tourism, conservation or sustainability, but little idea of how these are put into practice. As certification assistants, interns have a role in the certification process, coaching and assessing applicants, but also gaining valuable knowledge from outstanding ecotourism operators.

    Involvement in the certification program gives interns first-hand knowledge of the fundamentals of ecotourism and how to implement these within the industry. 

    Marketing and Communications

    EA’s marketing and communications team puts a strong emphasis on promoting certified operators, conservation efforts and hot sustainability topics via their online campaign.

    As marketing assistants, interns play an important part in this campaign helping deliver the marketing strategy through EA’s social media channels, web content and monthly newsletters.

    With support and guidance from the marketing team, interns are given the opportunity to develop their communication skills and are free to research, write and publish issues in line with EA’s values


    The internship program provides a practical understanding of how tourism bodies perform in the nature-based tourism industry and gives interns the opportunity to exercise their hard-earned knowledge. This puts our interns at a competitive advantage within the industry.

    Having interns is also incredibly rewarding for EA. Their presence in the office is always uplifting and their advice is often taken on board when revising programs and developing new projects and initiatives.

    “Interns are staff members and as such our expectations are high. We are seeking committed and passionate people who are self-reliant and up for the task. You will be given meaningful responsibility, and accountability, so if you are genuinely seeking a challenge talk to us.” – Rod Hillman, CEO

    Ecotourism Australia regularly offers internships and volunteer placements to interested candidates and students studying in the fields of tourism management, marketing, eco and sustainable tourism, and environmental science. We are currently also interested in seeking interns with a background in journalism, graphic design or information technology. Our internships and volunteer placements are unpaid and generally require a minimum of three days per week for a minimum duration of three months.

    To apply for an internship please send a cover letter and CV to our Operations Manager, Emily ([email protected]). We are currently recruiting for 2017. 


    E’Lisha Victoria Fogle (USA) – Certification Assistant Intern from Jan to May, 2015. E’Lisha is currently undertaking a PhD in Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management at Clemson University (USA)

    “During my time interning for EA, I was able to establish relationships with Australia’s leaders in ecotourism. Understanding the processes, challenges, and accomplishments of certification have improved my knowledge of non-profits, ecotourism, and relationship building opportunities needed to maintain the success of organizations such as EA. The experience was invaluable and is one of the highlights of my educational career. Working with EA is an opportunity I would recommend to students in any major, as tourism is interdisciplinary.  The landscape from which you can learn and contribute to is limitless!”

    Calum Wood (Australia) – Certification Assistant Intern from July to October, 2015. Calum is currently studying a Bachelor of Environmental Management at the University of Queensland (Australia)

    “This was a valuable experience that added a lot to my knowledge, not just of sustainable tourism and certification but of working in a professional environment. I was also fortunate enough to undertake casual work at EA in the Program Administrator position. EA is an excellent working environment where you can make a positive contribution to the planet and to Australia’s tourism industry. My time with EA has been one of the most beneficial experiences throughout all of my studies and I am very thankful for the opportunity.” 

    Rahul Kanagaratnam (New Zealand) – Marketing Assistant Intern from November to February, 2016.

    “My experience at EA was very fulfilling. I was always kept busy with various jobs ranging from social media management, to general administrative tasks to writing articles to creating a marketing plan. I was always encouraged to come up with ideas on how to improve certain processes, which was extremely appreciated. Working with a collaborative team that encouraged you to give your own ideas was extremely satisfying. Furthermore, working with people passionate about eco tourism made me gain a greater understanding and appreciation for how important EA’s work is.” 

    Flore Vesseur (Holland) – Marketing and Certification Assistant Intern from February to June, 2016. Flore is currently studying a bachelor in International Tourism Management and Consultancy at NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences (Holland).

    “During my internship with EA I have learned a lot about the Australian tourism industry, how it is constructed and what Australia has to offer its visitors. My 5 months with EA has opened my eyes for the possibilities of the tourism industry, and I am very excited to continue working in this field because of it. Not only content-wise has my time with EA been amazing, the Ecotourism Australia team is incredibly welcoming and has given me every opportunity to learn new skills and find trust in my own abilities.”

    Patrick Mills (United Kingdom) – Marketing Assistant Intern from July to September, 2016.

    “Interning at Ecotourism Australia has been an eye opening experience of how the nature-based tourism industry works from the inside. As a part of the marketing team I was given the freedom to improve my own writing and publishing skills, and the guidance to grow professionally in this role. Working at EA has been a great learning opportunity and I would highly recommend the internship program.”






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