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全球永續旅遊推動聯盟(Global Sustainable Tourism Council,GSTC)於2015年3月推出「統合認證計畫」(Integrity Program-Recognition, Approval, and Accreditation of Sustainable Tourism Standards),試圖整合有關驗證永續旅遊的全球各類綠色標章符合一致的永續旅遊準則。在經過該聯盟認證(GSTC-Accredited)後的綠色標章核發單位(certification body),就確定是可以對永續旅遊相關產業進行驗證的發章機構。(詳情請點閱:「全球永續旅遊推動聯盟推出統合認證計畫」)

2015年8月10日該聯盟宣布澳洲生態旅遊協會(Ecotourism Australia)的「生態標章」(ECO Certification program)獲得該聯盟核可,由國家級成為國際性的旅宿及旅行業者類永續旅遊標章,這項傑出成就證明澳洲生態旅遊協會確實實踐了他們推動永續旅遊產品與服務的承諾。


目前全澳大利亞約有500家業者獲有生態標章,國際旅客可以透過澳洲生態旅遊協會網站「綠色旅遊指南」(Green Travel Guide)網頁搜尋各項各級標章業者。(擷圖在本文下方)

全球永續旅遊推動聯盟制定的Guidelines For Hotels & Tour Operators (全球酒店業與旅遊經營商可持續發展準則與指南),有中文版(簡體字、大陸用語)可下載參考:https://www.gstcouncil.org/en/docs/file/369-chinese-guidelines-including-gstc-h-tov2-2013-8-15.html

全球永續旅遊推動聯盟制定的Criteria for Destinations(旅遊地可持續發展準則),有中文版(簡體字、大陸用語)可下載參考:https://www.gstcouncil.org/en/docs/file/360-chinese-gstc-d.html


Ecotourism Australia Achieves GSTC-Approval

EA LogoAugust 10, 2015 – The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is pleased to announce that the Ecotourism Australia’s ECO Certification program has achieved ‘GSTC-Approved’ status. Ecotourism Australia’s ECO Certification program is one of the first of three bodies to achieve GSTC Approval for its sustainable tourism certification of hotels and tour operators. This outstanding accomplishment exemplifies Ecotourism Australia’s commitment to promote sustainable tourism products and services.

Ecotourism Australia is a not for profit organization, formed in 1991, that is focused on inspiring environmentally sustainable and culturally responsible tourism. As the peak industry body for ecotourism in Australia, they manage sustainability certification programs for nature based tourism operators. Ecotourism Australia’s primary product development tool, ECO certification, certifies close to 500 Ecotourism operators across Australia according to measures including environmental responsibility, interpretation and contribution to conservation. It is a world recognised program, with a UNESCO World Heritage Centre MOU, and works closely with Protected Area Managers, State and Regional Tourism Organisations, Government Agencies and various other stakeholders.

“The acceptance of ECO certification as a GSTC Approved standard builds on the ECO certified tour operators’ deserved reputation for delivering high quality, sustainable best practice, tourism experiences that have true conservation benefits. GSTC Approval status brings further credibility to our well-respected and established brand, and raises its profile in the global arena. International guests can now recognise and choose with confidence high quality tour operators delivering true ecotourism experiences” said Rod Hillman – CEO Ecotourism Australia.

In order to become a GSTC-Approved standard, a certification program is required to have previously completed the GSTC-Recognized process. “GSTC Recognized” means that the standards include the 41 GSTC Criteria, which were created as global baseline standards. “GSTC Approved” means that the independent, objective and neutral GSTC Accreditation Panel has determined that the processes and practices utilized by the owner of the standards are applied professionally and objectively. Attaining both levels speaks to compliance with the GSTC Criteria and to excellence in utilizing their own standards. The GSTC programs recognize and reward genuine practitioners of sustainable tourism, which in turn builds confidence and credibility with consumers.

Randy Durband, CEO GSTC, congratulated Ecotourism Australia on the achievement; “Congratulations, … Ecotourism Australia’s certification of travel products verifies to the traveling public that the claims of the travel provider are valid and based on EA’s independent, 3rd-party review of those claims. In the same manner, the ‘GSTC Approved’ mark indicates that an independent and neutral team of evaluators have determined that EA’s own processes for certifying travel products are transparent, impartial, and competent.”

To date, Ecotourism Australia’s ECO Certification program is one of the first of three bodies to achieve GSTC Approval for its sustainable tourism certification of hotels and tour operators. The completion of these step-wise programs rewards standard owners for their commitment to sustainability while offering the market benefit of proof that these national standards adhere to international norms.

The completion of these step-wise programs rewards standard owners for their commitment to sustainability while offering the market benefit of proof that these national standards adhere to international norms.

The GSTC will continue to work with organizations around the world to provide GSTC Recognition, Approval & Accreditation of standards for sustainability in travel and tourism. GSTC Approved standard owners are encouraged to complete the Accreditation process in order to achieve improvements in their sustainability frameworks, further distinction amongst other certification programs, and receive increased market benefits.

Learn more about the GSTC-Approved mark

About the GSTC

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is a global initiative dedicated to promoting sustainable tourism efforts around the world. The GSTC is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit that works to expand understanding of and access to sustainable tourism practices; helps identify and generate markets for sustainable tourism; and educates about and advocates for a set of universal principles, as defined by the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria. The Criteria, a set of voluntary principles that provide a framework for the sustainability of tourism businesses across the globe, is the cornerstone of our initiative. For more information, visit www.gstcouncil.org.

下圖是從澳洲生態旅遊協會網站「Green Travel Guide」網頁搜尋進階生態旅遊標章旅宿業者(Accommodation + Advanced Ecotourism)的結果示意圖:

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