





澳洲生態旅遊協會執行長Rod Hillman於11/24設晚宴接待林務局參訪團,我國駐澳洲代表處布里斯本辦事處處長賴維中與駐澳洲代表處經濟組組長史美振也受邀參加。餐宴後由我與Rod代表台、澳生態旅遊協會簽訂合作備忘錄,並由賴處長見證簽名,正本各執一份。


澳洲生態旅遊協會表現高度誠意想與台灣方面多一些實質合作,例如互相推動雙方遊客前往生態旅遊、授權台灣生態旅遊協會使用他們的生態標章制度(已經在南非有授權案例)、願意在台灣舉辦「Global Eco conference」(已經在澳洲舉辦22屆)。



聽取澳洲生態旅遊協會執行長Rod Hillman簡報

台灣澳洲雙方生態旅遊協會簽訂合作備忘錄,前排左起賴鵬智、Rod Hillman,後排左起台灣駐澳洲代表處經濟組組長史美振、台灣駐澳洲代表處布里斯本辦事處處長賴維中、澳洲生態旅遊協會地質旅遊論壇主席Angus M Robinson








Time2014/11/24 19:00

Location: Queensland Club, 19 George St, Brisbane, Australia


Dear Angus, Rod, distinguished guests Mr. Ken Lai and Jerry Shyy, and my dear colleagues, 

It’s a great honor and privilege for me to be here today, on behalf of Taiwan Ecotourism Association for signing of memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Ecotourism Australia and Taiwan. It states the development of Ecotourism in Taiwan is in process of growth, to reach a new stage of technology onward. 

Even though Taiwan is a small island contains area only thirty six thousand square kilometers, but rich in natural ecology, biodiversity, and variety of topography scenery. People and government have both acknowledged the importance of conservation on these days, further more the nation diversity caused in result of multicultural life style and unique identity. Each attraction may seem small scale, but fully occupied on each part of Taiwan. 

Started by the Unite Union has named “The international year of Ecotourism” on year 2002, it’s been 12 years that the government authorities has continuing support the academic institutions, NGOs and professionals to promote Ecotourism education and industrial counseling, somehow the development grows slow because of the majority of tourism industry remain their main effort on mass tourism, less percentage operators willing to work on Ecotourism due to the return of profit may take long time beyond their expectation. Anyhow difference from tourism industry, local communities are rather active in Ecotourism development, many of rural communities preformed a significant outcome in conservation, environmental protection, environmental education and benefit of community services. 

The Forestry Bureau is the most active authority for supporting local ecotourism development, many executives even spend their own expenses for this study tour in Australia, fully expressed their deep attentive in this issue. 

We are pleased to have this opportunity to observe the operation system from the relevant industries, during our visit we have learned lots new implement concept, which would be a great contribution to Ecotourism in Taiwan. I would like to present my special thanks to Angus and Rod who organized the perfect journey on our visit in Australia, we could not have accomplished this much without your help and support, please accept our deep appreciation for your generosity. 

The first National Ecotourism Accreditation Program was launched by Australia Ecotourism Association, which is the leader of Ecotourism organization in the world, as well as the model of other related certified organizations in present. The success of development on eco-certified system, sustainable ecotourism, green marketing and environmentally friendly in Australia, all these outstanding performance mean so much for Taiwan to achieve in the long term. 

Taiwan Ecotourism Association was established in 2001. The main purpose is to coordinate with the International Ecotourism 2002 in order to promote Ecotourism in Taiwan. Members include representative of government organizations, academia, NGOs, tourism industry and individuals who interest in this field. Since then through 12 years hard work effort, nowadays people in general, together with tourism industrial workers, and related department governors are getting familiar with what ecotourism doing, and willing to support. But now facing the obstacle of less investment participation, it occurs from lacking of practical profit incentive indeed. Therefore the scale remain still, can’t grow larger, or linked together as a valuable industrial chain in last decade, this is what we need to solve in present, and expect there will be some inspiration from this study tour in Queensland. 

It’s a great honor of Taiwan Ecotourism Association for signing of the cooperation MOU with Ecotourism Australia in order to establish a cooperative partnership, begin a new relationship by nongovernmental tourism organizations between Taiwan and Australia. Through the interactive of technology and idea exchange, there will be so much new methods for Taiwan to learn, this collaboration may stimulate Ecotourism in Taiwan from regional market to global market, become sustainable development in the long term. 

On behalf of the chairman of Taiwan Ecotourism Association Luis Ko, I would like to extend the warm welcome to the representative of Ecotourism Australia, in proceed to visit the beautiful scenery of Taiwan in the near future. And I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to ( Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in AustraliaMr. Ken Lai and Jerry Shyy, taking their time to participate the Signing Ceremony, as well as the executives of Forestry Bureau Taiwan, their accompany and support on this study tour in Australia. Lastly special thanks to Angus and Rod, your host make our journey complete and wonderful. 

It is now my pleasure to wish us all a successful ceremony. Thank you very much.






10 則留言

  1. 謝謝賴大哥的說明!我倒是覺得,對於業者能有合理、永續的獲利,這樣的團隊自然就會組織出現。當然,也要業者能夠有遠見才行。期待整件事情的正向發展囉!

  2. 這部分只是對方提出來的構想,還沒有具體計畫,也沒有進一步細談,這有待台灣生態旅遊協會理監事會討論及與對方深入討論相關細節才能決定是否進一步合作這項業務。


  3. 賴大哥,想請教您文中所提「 授權台灣生態旅遊協會使用澳洲生態標章制度 」,這部分的詳情為何?是否有具體推動的規劃?畢竟,台灣自己的生態旅遊標張老早設計好了,就差在沒有實際推行。如果使用澳洲的標章與制度,可以有什麼樣更大的優勢呢?這是我比較好奇也期待的地方。


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