
申請澳洲生態旅遊協會實習需要什麼條件.JPG - 日誌用相簿


日前有一位學景觀規劃的大學生,想去澳洲生態旅遊協會實習,並就近考察生態旅遊場域的景觀規劃,學習景點永續經營的規劃理念與實作。她透過台灣生態旅遊協會推薦,向澳洲生態旅遊協會(Ecotourism Australia, EA)申請實習。






Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today, it was nice to talk and learn more about you. I can see from your CV and from our discussion today that you have a clear passion for sustainability and great strengths in graphic design.

However, your application for an internship with Ecotourism Australia has not been successful. While you have desirable qualities and skills that we look for in our interns, to be able to fulfil the demands of an internship placement with us we look for backgrounds in education in tourism and business management, marketing and environmental management and a high level of fluency in written and spoken English.

We receive a consistently high number of applications and have limited positions to offer due to our small size – because of this, our internships are very competitive. Making it through to the interview stage for an internship is a great achievement, and we wish you well in securing another internship position.


Your CV design looks fantastic. I could tell you were a bit nervous in the interview but this is not a bad thing because it lets the interviewer know that you care about the position without you needing to say anything – it’s genuine, it’s ok to be nervous.

In your CV it was unclear what work experience you have had and the overseas experience looked like it was describing work experience rather than travel experience. I could also tell that you had some trouble interpreting my questions at times – this will come with practice and as your English improves. To help you prepare for any future interviews in English, these were the questions I asked you. Lots of other companies ask similar questions, so knowing what sort of questions might come may help you to prepare:

  • Tell me what you know about Ecotourism Australia (EA) and what you understand about what we do here
  • Tell us a little about yourself and your experience (academic, work, etc)
    What is your motivation for applying for an internship/volunteer position with EA?
  • What do you hope to get out of the experience?
  • What have you done or been involved with that you are most proud of?
  • What strengths & skills do you think you would bring to EA?

I could tell that you were passionate about sustainability and that you are a positive and enthusiastic person. I hope this helps, and good luck.





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