繼2019年3月中旬在肯亞首都奈洛比舉辦的聯合國環境大會有170國宣示2030年前減塑,2020年1月22日在西班牙首都馬德里市舉辦的國際旅遊交易展覽會(INTERNATIONAL TOURISM TRADE FAIR)上,聯合國世界旅遊組織(The World Tourism Organization, UNWTO)及聯合國環境署(United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP)結合全球旅遊相關業界組織,發起「全球旅遊減塑倡議」(Global Tourism Plastics Initiative),期在2025年以前在旅遊服務業有具體的減塑成果。
「全球旅遊減塑倡議」簡介影片 Credit: The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative / One Planet network
在2022年國際旅遊交易展覽會期間,「全球旅遊減塑倡議」正式宣布啟動。發起組織的代表介紹了該倡議的運作架構,旅遊產業的主要權益關係者解釋了承諾內容的共同創建過程。 同時,領頭的企業、旅遊目的地和協會等解釋了加入「全球旅遊減塑倡議」的重要性。
During the event, the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative was officially announced. Representatives from lead organizations presented the operational structure of the initiative and key stakeholders from the tourism sector explained the co-creation process of the menu of commitments. At the same time, leading businesses, destinations, and associations explained why it is important to engage with the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative.
從啟動的這項倡議活動中,住宿業和旅遊目的地可以加入該倡議並成為簽署者。 各業別的連署位置可在線上獲得。 誠摯地邀請代表旅遊價值鏈的其他領域的公司(如航空公司、旅行社、郵輪以及協會和非政府組織)加入,共同創建這倡議。
From the Launch Event, accommodation businesses and destinations can join the initiative and become signatories. Their respective “signatory packs” are available online here. Companies representing other segments of the tourism value chain such as airlines, tour operators, cruises as well as associations and NGOs, were cordially invited to join the co-creation process of their specific commitments.
The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative aims to articulate, support and scale-up action by tourism stakeholders and is building a global alliance to fight plastic pollution. As part of the activities of the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme, the Initiative is led by the UN Environment and UNWTO in collaboration with Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
Recognizing the global importance of the tourism sector and its role as an agent of change, the Initiative will support partner organizations in making better use of plastics in their operations and reducing plastic waste. In particular, action towards 2025 is being structured through the development of a menu of commitments for private sector, destinations, and associations to define concrete roadmaps for implementation by 2025.
Tourism’s plastic pollution problem
Plastic pollution is one of the major environmental challenges of our time, and tourism has an important role to play in contributing to the solution. Much of the plastic used in tourism is made to be thrown away and often can’t be recycled, leading to large amounts of pollution.
With 80 per cent of all tourism taking place in coastal areas , plastic pollution from tourism can easily end up in oceans and waterways. For example, in the Mediterranean region alone, marine litter increases by up to 40 percent during peak tourist season.
The production of more than 300 million tonnes of new plastic every year also depletes natural resources and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.
在降低環境衝擊並與自然和諧相處方面,旅遊服務公司和旅遊目的地已有很大的進步。 採取行動處理塑料污染,重複使用塑料用品,除了可以阻止塑料最終成為污染,同時還減少了生產新塑料的數量,這都有助於旅遊業的永續發展。
It’s time for tourism to take on plastic pollution
Tourism companies and destinations have been making great strides towards reducing their environmental impact and operating in harmony with nature. Taking action on plastics pollution and transitioning to circularity in the use of plastics is critical to increase sustainability in the sector, and can help stop plastic ending up as pollution while also reducing the amount of new plastic that needs to be produced.
The problem of plastic pollution in tourism is too big for any single organization to fix on its own. To match the scale of the problem, changes need to take place across the whole tourism value chain. Which is why tourism stakeholders around the world are working together and taking a systemic approach through the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative.
A systemic approach to plastic pollution
Eliminate:All problematic and unnecessary plastic items.
Innovate:Ensure that all other plastics are reusable, recyclable, or compostable.
Circulate:To keep plastic in the economy and out of the environment.
- 分享有關塑料污染問題的訊息以及整體行業正在實施的解決方案;
- 在採購物品或服務時要考慮到塑料物品的碳足跡,並鼓勵循環使用;
- 促進創新,推動政府、地方組織和企業之間的合作;
- 加強所有簽署者推動進展的報告並建立績效基準;
- 公開交流簽署者採取的行動,並展示範例。
Supporting the tourism sector to take action on plastic pollution
The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative will support companies, destinations, associations, and NGOs through:
- Sharing information about the plastic pollution challenge and the solutions being implemented across the sector;
- Fostering procurement practices that consider the plastic footprint of products and services and encourage circularity in the use of plastics;
- Promoting innovation and facilitating the cooperation between governments, local organizations, and businesses;
- Consolidating the progress reported by all signatories and establishing a performance benchmark;
- Publicly communicating the actions taken by signatories and showcasing the leadership of the sector.
- 在2025年以前消除有問題或不必要的塑料包裝和物品;
- 採取行動,在2025年之前從一次性使用方式轉變為可重複使用方式;
- 參與價值鏈,以實現全部的塑料包裝可重複使用、可回收或可堆肥;
- 採取行動,增加塑料包裝和物品中的再生材料成分;
- 致力合作和投資以提高塑料的回收利用率和堆肥率;
- 每年公開報告實現這些目標的進展。
The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative requires tourism organizations to make a set of concrete and actionable commitments by 2025:
- Eliminate problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging and items by 2025;
- Take action to move from single-use to reuse models or reusable alternatives by 2025;
- Engage the value chain to move towards 100% of plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable, or compostable;
- Take action to increase the amount of recycled content across all plastic packaging and items used;
- Commit to collaborate and invest to increase the recycling and composting rates for plastics;
- Report publicly and annually on progress made towards these targets.
- 減少垃圾填埋、污染、自然資源枯竭和溫室氣體排放;
- 提高工作人員和客人的環保意識,避免使用一次性塑料產品;
- 帶動供應商生產更多可持續使用而替代一次性的塑料產品;
- 與政府合作,改善當地處理廢棄物的基礎設施和社區相關設施;
- 與自然和諧相處,創造永續生計和社區的長期繁榮。
Through the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, the tourism sector can make positive contributions, such as:
- Reducing landfill, pollution, natural resource depletion and greenhouse gas emissions;
- Raising awareness of conservation among staff and guests to avoid single-use plastic products;
- Influencing their suppliers to produce more sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic products;
- Working with governments to improve local waste infrastructure and community facilities;
- Creating sustainable livelihoods and long-term community prosperity in harmony with nature.
By taking serious action in a coordinated manner on plastic pollution, the tourism sector can help preserve and protect the places and wildlife that make destinations worth visiting.
- 採取行動,在2025年前消除有問題或不必要的塑料包裝或物品;
- 採取行動,在2025年前從一次性使用方式轉變為可重複使用方式;
- 參與價值鏈,以實現全部的塑料包裝可重複使用、可回收或可堆肥;
- 採取行動,在2025年前增加塑料包裝和物品中的再生材料成分;
4.每年公開報告實現這些承諾的進展,並統計塑料生產/使用年產量(噸)(後者僅用於彙整,但鼓勵個別業者公開披露)。 報告儘可能簡單明瞭。
Make the following individual commitments:
1. Accommodation providers
- Take action to eliminate problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging and/or items by 2025;
- Take action to move from single-use to reuse models or reusable alternatives by 2025;
- Engage the value chain to move towards 100% of plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025;
- Take action to increase the amount of recycled content across all plastic packaging and items used by 2025;
2. The commitments for other categories of businesses in the tourism sector will be developed and announced in the course of 2020.
3. Commit to collaborate and invest to increase the recycling and composting rates for plastics.
4. Report annually and publicly on progress towards meeting these commitments, as well as on estimates of annual volumes (tonnes) of plastics production/use (the latter will be used for aggregation purposes only, but individual public disclosure is encouraged). Reporting requirements will be kept as straightforward and streamlined as possible.
- 鼓勵消除有問題或不必要的塑料包裝和/或產品;
- 鼓勵相關的再利用模式,以減少對一次性塑料包裝和/或產品的需求;
- 鼓勵使用可重複利用、可回收或可堆肥的塑料包裝;
- 提高收集、分類、再利用和再循環的比率,並促進建立必要的基礎設施和相關的籌資機制;
- 提升對再生塑料的需求。
For governments and destinations
1. Commit to have ambitious policies and measurable targets in place well ahead of 2025 in order to realize and report tangible progress by 2025, at country and/or destination level, in each of the following areas:
- Stimulating elimination of problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging and/or products;
- Encouraging reuse models where relevant, to reduce the need for single-use plastic packaging and/or products;
- Incentivizing the use of reusable, recyclable, or compostable plastic packaging;
- Increasing collection, sorting, reuse, and recycling rates, and facilitating the establishment of the necessary infrastructure and related funding mechanisms;
- Stimulating the demand for recycled plastics.
2. Support traveler behavior change on recycling and reuse, throughout their journey at a destination;
3. Collaborate with the private sector, NGOs, and other destinations towards achieving the vision and objectives of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative;
4. Publicly report on progress of the implementation of commitments annually;
5. Communicate successes to travelers, local stakeholders, and externally.