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Queensland Ecotourism Investment Opportunities
Implementation Framework
Ecotourism Facilities on National Parks









The Queensland Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing (the department) has developed a range of policy and legislative measures to improve opportunities for sustainable ecotourism activities and visitor use in Queensland’s protected area system.

The Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NC Act) provides for development of privately-owned, low impact, purpose built ecotourism infrastructure on national parks. The NC Act provisions ensure that all approved ecotourism facilities are in the public interest, environmentally sustainable and, to the greatest possible extent, preserve the land’s natural condition and protect its cultural resources and natural values. Each approved facility will be designed and managed sensitively to ensure it is compatible with the nature and character of the site and complements the management of the national park in which it is located.

The nature and scale of ecotourism facilities may vary from relatively small, simple structures— such as safari tents or walker’s huts—to larger campgrounds or low impact eco-lodges. Acknowledging the differences of scale and location between proposals, the department will apply a common assessment and approval process consistent with the legislative requirements.

The process for attracting investment in ecotourism facilities will also vary—the government may initiate opportunities through competitive tendering; and investors with independent proposals can make direct approaches.


Guiding principles
Seven overarching principles guide the consideration of ecotourism facilities in national parks. They are:





Principle 1
Ecotourism facilities on national parks are located, designed and managed sensitively to ensure compatibility with the natural and cultural values of the national park

National parks represent the highest level of conservation protection of Queensland’s landscapes and biodiversity. Therefore, ecotourism facilities in national parks must be ecologically sustainable, accredited and be located and designed to protect the natural and cultural values of the park.

Ecotourism facilities will only be considered if the proposal is reliant on the natural and cultural values of the site in which they are proposed to be located. That is, the proposal is all about the special features of the national park.

Where available preference should be given to previously disturbed sites within national parks rather than intact natural areas (greenfield sites). We encourage the adaptive re-use of redundant or underutilized departmental buildings (such as old homesteads, workers quarters and lighthouses) to provide memorable, unique national park experiences with a point of difference.



Principle 2
Ecotourism facilities on national parks should offer unique or innovative visitor experiences

New ecotourism facilities on national parks will demonstrate best practice systems and services, and offer unique or innovative experiences that add to the existing tourism opportunities available in the region.
Alternatively, new facilities could provide infrastructure necessary to support an existing ecotourism activity or enhance the experience or operation of an existing ecotourism activity.




Principle 3
Diverse experiences and settings are promoted

The diverse landscapes and settings in national parks offer a wide range of visitor experiences. The type of ecotourism facilities developed and the scope of the associated activities should be sensitive to and compatible with the current or desired future settings and visitor experiences in the national park.

Where a park contains high-use visitor facilities, ecotourism facilities are encouraged that offer new, innovative visitor infrastructure experiences that complement the existing facilities.




Principle 4
Facilities will provide for the public interest

Privately owned ecotourism facilities on national parks should be clearly determined as the best use of the proposed site in relation to public interest.

Alternative sites offering an equivalent experience should not be reasonably available outside of the national park.

The ecotourism facilities should provide the greatest net public benefit considering the environmental, social and economic outcomes of the use.




Principle 5
Successful ecotourism operations are characterized by commercial operators who have commitment to environmental best practice

Environmental best practice is demonstrated through other ecotourism initiatives. Operators demonstrate sound commercial viability and sound business practice that is based on a triple bottom line approach.

As a primary element of the ecotourism proposal, ecotourism operations should make a fair and reasonable contribution back to the conservation and management of the national park and also to the local community. 




Principle 6
The authorisation of ecotourism facilities will be consistent and transparent while protecting the intellectual property of the proponent

The process of assessing and authorising proposals for ecotourism facilities will consider all principles and be fair, open and impartial.

The level of assessment will be appropriate to the nature, scale and location of the proposed facility. The approval process will not compromise the intellectual property of the proponent. 



Principle 7
The type and duration of authorities granted will recognize the level of investment and rate of return on investment

A lease, agreement, licence, permit or authority may be granted to authorise ecotourism facilities. The type and duration of authority granted will consider the nature of the facility, level of capital investment, rate of return on investment and the financial return to the state.





★ 該設施如何以及到什麼程度可以呈現、欣賞與保存該地的自然狀況、文化資源與價值(這是主要目的)—該設施應對國家公園資產做出公平合理的貢獻。



Definition of ‘ecotourism facility’
Ecotourism encompasses a broad spectrum of responsible, nature-based activities that increase visitor appreciation and understanding of natural and cultural heritage, and are managed to be ecologically sustainable. Ecotourism facilities should focus on presenting and appreciating an area’s natural and cultural values, and not involve modification of the natural environment for activities contrary to this purpose.

The Queensland Government has determined that ecotourism opportunities incorporating ziplines are not considered as appropriate for national parks.
In deciding whether a proposed ecotourism facility meets the definition, the department will consider:

• how, and to what degree, the facility will contribute to presenting, appreciating and conserving the land’s natural condition and cultural resources and values (the primary purpose)—the facility should make a fair and reasonable contribution to the national park estate, including the park in which the facility is located

• whether or not the facility involves activities that are consistent with presenting, appreciating and conserving the land’s natural condition and cultural resources and values; and

• if some of the activities are inconsistent, whether or not they would have significant impacts on the land’s natural condition or adversely affect the land’s cultural resources and values. Each proposal for an ecotourism facility will be assessed on a case-by-case basis to ensure the requirements of the definition are met.

Public interest

In determining public interest the factors considered include:

1. 生態永續性以及對自然和文化價值的衝擊(參見「生態永續利用」)
2. 環境管理計畫
3. 夥伴關係或對國家公園的管理作為或保育計畫有所貢獻

• environmental outcomes:

1.ecological sustainability and the impact on natural and cultural values (see section Ecologically sustainable use)

2.environmental management plans

3. partnerships or contributions to national park management activities or conservation programs.

1. 增進社區使用國家公園公共設施、地標景點、水道、海灘、沿岸的可及性,或經過國家公園進入以上的設施場域。
2. 使用國家公園現有的遊憩和商業服務,未來亦有使用其他遊憩和商業服務的機會。
3. 設施該如何以及在多大的程度內限制或禁止公眾的使用。本廳將確保只在有必要實施管制的區域限制公眾進入(也就是園區絕大部分是開放給公眾使用的)。
4. 規劃地點須符合社會成效的目的
5. 透過公眾諮詢獲取建議

• social outcomes:

1.enhancements of community access to existing public facilities, iconic places, waterways, beaches and foreshores within the national park or accessed through the national park

2.interactions with existing recreational and commercial uses of the national park and future opportunities for other recreational and commercial uses

3.how, and to what degree, the facility will limit or restrict public access. The department will ensure that exclusive use areas are restricted to only those areas that are necessary to operational requirements (that is, large sections of park are not to be excluded from public access)

4.general suitability of the proposed location for the purpose

5.advice received through public consultation

1. 提案者有建設及長期維運設施的財務與管理能力
2. 創造當地就業機會以及支持現有工作機會
3. 對當地社區以及原有經營者的經濟效益
4. 對當地企業帶來直接效益,包括對既有的旅遊業者。
5. 對政府產生直接和間接的成本與效益
6. 政府在公有土地上的商業服務產生財政績效

• economic outcomes:

1.the financial and managerial capability of the proponent to establish the facility, and sustain its long term viability

2.local job creation and support for existing jobs

3.economic benefits to the local community and traditional owners

4.flow-on benefits to local businesses, including existing tourism businesses

5.direct and indirect costs and benefits to the government

6.financial return to the government for commercial use of public land.




1. 保護生態系統、自然景觀和特殊物種。
2. 儘量減少棲地喪失,避免外來入侵的野草、有害動植物等。
3. 場域設計、布局和建築材料須融入自然景觀特色,對環境影響降到最低並與景觀相容。
4. 有效和永續使用水和能源
5. 廢棄物最少化和回收策略
6. 儘量減少噪音與光害並注意空氣品質。

Ecologically sustainable use
The term ‘ecologically sustainable use’ refers to allowing the use of an area in a way that sustains natural processes and ensures that potential for future benefits from these natural processes are not diminished.

A sustainable approach to establishing facilities on land with high ecological and cultural values, such as national parks, requires structures and associated activities to be fully integrated and in harmony with the ecosystem and its environmental features and constraints.

When determining whether a proposed ecotourism facility is ecologically sustainable the following sustainability principles will be considered:

• preserving ecosystems, natural landscapes and special species

• minimising habitat loss and weed and pest invasions

• site designs, layouts and construction materials that incorporate natural landscape features, minimize environmental impacts and suit the landscape

• efficient and sustainable use of water and energy

• waste minimisation and recycling strategies

• minimising impacts from noise and lighting sources, and on air quality.



1. 土地的自然狀態以及既存的干擾程度
2. 土地保育的重要性以及其自然和景觀的構成要件
3. 土地的文化資源和價值,包括自然、歷史和原住民場域。
4. 擬建設施使用的範圍和等級是否會影響上述狀況,以及是否有設施極小化與適切管理的對策,或是採取怎樣的補償措施。

Minimising environmental and cultural impacts
Ecotourism facilities must, to the greatest possible extent, preserve the land’s natural condition and protect its cultural resources and values.

When determining whether a proposed ecotourism facility preserves and protects natural and cultural resources and values, the government will consider the:

• natural condition of the land and extent of any existing disturbance to the natural condition

• conservation significance of the land and its natural and landscape components

• cultural resources and values of the land, including natural, historic and indigenous places

• extent and degree that the proposed use will impact on the above, and whether strategies that minimise, adequately manage, or offset these impacts can be implemented.






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