
2014年12月1日澳洲生態旅遊協會網站刊出圖文報導台灣林務局赴澳洲考察生態旅遊操作情形,該文是由澳洲生態旅遊協會地質旅遊論壇主席,也是考察團規劃顧問Angus M Robinson先生撰述。先是介紹林務局的任務及積極推廣生態旅遊的用心。接著提到此次參訪是由該協會會員Leisure Solutions公司統籌,並由曾獲年度最佳導遊獎並有生態導遊認證的Barry Davies負責全程導覽解說,也說明了參訪目的。


他特別提出全陪Barry Davies對台灣參訪團表現的讚許。



Ecotourism Australia Hosts Taiwan Forest Bureau Study Tour

Posted by on 1 December 2014 | Comments

Tags: TaiwanEcotourism AustraliaLeisure SolutionsAngus M RobinsonEcoGuidesGondwana GuidesForest BureauTaiwan Ecotourism AssociationQueenslandnational Parks and Wildlife

Forests represent some of Taiwan’s most valuable natural resources and occupy about 58% of Taiwan’s total area. The Forestry Bureau under the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, manages Taiwan’s forests for recreation by domestic and international visitors, as well as explains the government’s forest conservation policies. The Bureau maintains various forest recreation areas, hiking trails and other forest-related facilities throughout the island, and not surprisingly is looking to ecotourism to further develop the island’s resources.

Ecotourism Australia, supported by EA member Leisure Solutions® and award winning EcoGuide, Barry Davies from Gondwana Guides has recently facilitated a group study tour to assist the Forest Bureau and representatives of the Taiwan Ecotourism Association in better understanding the development and system of ecotourism in Australia, particularly ecotourism practices and Ecotourism Australia’s eco-certification program.

The 12 day tour embraced visits to two Queensland destinations – Wet Tropics Area around Cairns and the Scenic Rim area of South-East Queensland. The tour group experienced accommodation offered by Ecotourism Australia members – in NQ,  Jabiru Safari Lodge, Undarra Experience, Rose Gums Wilderness Retreat, and the  Daintree Wilderness Lodge; and in the Scenic Rim, Binna Burra Mountain Lodge, O’Reillys Rainforest Retreat, and the Mt Barney Lodge. Ecocertified attractions also visited included the Tjabukai Cultural Centre and Skyrail at Kuranda, the Mareeba Wetlands, the Tolga Bat Hospital, the Daintree River Cruise Centre and the Daintree Discovery Centre. The group also met with representatives of the Savannah Guides at Undarra, Lillydale Farmstay at Rathdowney and Tony Charters and Associates in Brisbane.

Whilst in Brisbane, the group was briefed by Anne Greentree of Queensland National Parks and Wildlife, David Morgans of Tourism and Events Queensland, and by the EA Chief Executive, Rod Hillman.

Barry Davies, who led the tour, said the group were very interested, interesting and enthusiastic and an absolute pleasure to travel with. He would like to thank all the operators for their support. He is confident that with the knowledge the Taiwanese participants gained from the experiences and with the passion they showed towards their work back in Taiwan the development of the Ecotourism industry there is in safe hands.

The tour culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Ecotourism Australia and the Taiwan Ecotourism Association aimed  principally at growing and enhancing the level of best practice sustainable tourism in Taiwan and Australia, exploring opportunities to promote ecotourism, sustainable tourism and geotourism, as well as exploring other co-operative projects such as participation in conferences. Significantly, the signing ceremony was witnessed by senior government officials of the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office from Canberra and Brisbane.

Rod Hillman has said “he is hopeful that the outcomes from this tour will lead into a higher level of bi-lateral engagement between Australia’s ecotourism industry and Taiwan, a key source of nature-based tourists to Australia”.

EA and TEA sign MOU 1 20141124

(Pictured: Signing of MOU between Ecotourism Australia and Taiwan Ecotourism Association)


Further information: Angus M Robinson, Chair, Geotourism Forum at [email protected]





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