
尼泊爾黑熊口鼻貫穿綁繩虐待跳舞賺錢-12-Wildlife SOS-201311擷取自WILDLIFE SOS INDIA影片 


幾百年來,印度、尼泊爾人會到森林裡抓剛出生的黑熊,然後在牠才幾週大的時候,用燒紅的鐵條貫穿牠的鼻口,那是多麼的痛苦?!然後用一條粗繩子穿過去綁住,再用鐵箍套住嘴巴,於是牠一輩子被人牽著在街上「跳舞」賺錢到死為止(有的則是從繁殖場一出生就是這樣命運)。印度野生物救援組織(WILDLIFE SOS INDIA)發起募捐,希望以每隻5萬盧比(約23,000-24,000台幣)牽回被人豢養的黑熊(主人必須簽字切結絕不再抓取、買賣或畜養黑熊),並在保育場恢復健康,甚至野放。

歐洲中世紀在許多地方就有跳舞熊(Dancing Bears)這種不人道的馬戲表演,至今一些地方如印度、尼泊爾、保加利亞、西伯利亞還有這樣的惡習,需要人們跨國界伸出援手,讓熊類解脫這樣的桎梏。




尼泊爾黑熊拯救募款-Wildlife SOS-201311

底下相片是擷取自發起募款的WILDLIFE SOS INDIA網站及影片部分內容,請參考:

尼泊爾黑熊口鼻貫穿綁繩虐待跳舞賺錢-14-Wildlife SOS-201311 尼泊爾黑熊拯救募款標題-Wildlife SOS-201311  尼泊爾黑熊口鼻貫穿綁繩虐待跳舞賺錢-9-Wildlife SOS-201311 尼泊爾黑熊口鼻貫穿綁繩虐待跳舞賺錢-8-Wildlife SOS-201311 尼泊爾黑熊口鼻貫穿綁繩虐待跳舞賺錢-7-Wildlife SOS-201311 尼泊爾黑熊口鼻貫穿綁繩虐待跳舞賺錢-6-Wildlife SOS-201311 尼泊爾黑熊口鼻貫穿綁繩虐待跳舞賺錢-5-Wildlife SOS-201311就是這支燒紅的鐵棒將小熊口鼻貫穿,這麼不人道的殘忍手段,您怎能忍受?

尼泊爾黑熊口鼻貫穿綁繩虐待跳舞賺錢-3-Wildlife SOS-201311 尼泊爾黑熊口鼻貫穿綁繩虐待跳舞賺錢-2-Wildlife SOS-201311 尼泊爾黑熊口鼻貫穿綁繩虐待跳舞賺錢-13-Wildlife SOS-201311





Thanks so much for your donation of $20.00 to Wildlife SOS in the CrowdRise Holiday Challenge.You’re helping an excellent cause, and your support is crucial in making it possible to deliver their mission.


You’ll see a charge from WePay on your credit card statement because that’s how your donation is processed for your charity. You’ll also receive a donation receipt via email for your records.


The CrowdRise Holiday Challenge is only going to get crazier, so check back often to see how your charity team is doing.


If you have any questions please Email Us at [email protected] and we’ll be ready to help every way possible. 



Thank you.





Thank you for your contribution of $20.00 that Wildlife SOS received on Thursday, November 21, 2013. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution. Your donation was made to a 501c3 organization and is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Name: Bird Lai 
Email: [email protected] 

Date: Thursday, November 21, 2013 
Time: 9:49 PM EST 
Total Donation Amount: $22.00
Optional Processing Fee: $2.00 
Total Amount Charged: $22.00

Method of Payment: Credit Card (WePay)

Credit Card Reference Number: 32214225

Nonprofit Organization: Wildlife SOS 
Address: 406 E 300 S # 302, Slc, UT 84111 
Fundraiser: Wildlife SOS- Save Nepal’s ‘dancing bears’ 
Sponsoring: Wildlife SOS 

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Wildlife SOS <[email protected]>
Date: 2013/11/23
Subject: Thank You So Much
To: [email protected]

You just got this message from Wildlife SOS through CrowdRise.

“Dear Bird Lai,

On behalf of Wildlife SOS, I would like to thank you for your kind donation of $20 to help Nepal’s bears. It is because of people like you that we are now in the top 10 of over 500 charities for this competition. 
Our momentum is growing and we feel optimistic that we have a chance at winning this because of people like you. Thank you again for showing such kindness!


Nikki Sharp and the Wildlife SOS Team”


3 則留言

  1. 謝謝老師ㄉ愛心~最近看到熊.狐狸.安哥拉兔等動物被人類不人道ㄉ對待圖利自己心裡很悲傷恐怖ㄉ畫面在腦海縈繞真難過


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