
Sustainable Solutions for Green Hotels旅館業永續環境的環保方法-環保旅館38項實踐之道

英文資料來源:非營利組織Global Stewards「全球管家」https://www.globalstewards.org/hotel.htm

 FUN生態實業公司 賴鵬智譯   陶維極審校

 This page lists sustainable practices that hotels can implement. Hotels can keep up to date on green lodging news at greenlodgingnews.com. If you would like to encourage hotels you stay at to implement these ideas, consider printing this information and dropping it off at the front desk or mailing it in with the hotel’s comment card.


1.Start a linen (both towels and sheets) reuse program in all guest rooms.


2.Install low-flow showerheads and sink aerators.


3.Switch to low-flow toilets or install toilet-tank fill diverters. To learn more about low-flow toilets, go to www.plmg.com/crtoilet.htm.


4.Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs in guestrooms, lobbies, and hallways. Use sensors and/or timers for areas that are infrequently used.



5.Whenever possible, buy food and guest amenities in bulk (i.e., use refillable hair and skin care dispensers).


6.Educate your staff to turn off lights and turn down heating/air conditioning when rooms are unoccupied. Also, during summer months, to close the drapes.


7.Install window film to lower heating and cooling loads and reduce glare in guestrooms.


8.Provide guestroom recycler baskets for newspaper, white paper, glass, aluminum, cardboard, and plastic.


9.Provide recycling bins both in public areas (i.e., poolside), in the kitchen, and in the back office (including one at each desk) to make recycling as easy as possible.


10.Buy office and guest amenity products that contain recycled material.


11.Buy organic, fair trade, cruelty-free guest amenity products whenever possible:

l          bedding (www.organiccottondirectory.net  and www.fairtradefederation.org)

l          hair and body care (www.ecomall.com/biz/body.htm and www.caringconsumer.com/resources_companies.asp)

l          coffee and tea (www.transfairusa.org)

l          etc.


12.Use recycled paper products (with high post-consumer recycled content) that are either unbleached or bleached using a chlorine-free process. Minimize the amount of paper used for each guest (i.e., reduce paper size of invoices, etc.). Print with soy-based inks.



13.Use nontoxic or least toxic cleaners, sanitizers, paints, pesticides, etc. throughout the hotel. Make sure all chemicals are stored safely in a well-ventilated area.


14.Purchase “Energy Star” appliances wherever possible. Replace old washing machines with both water and energy conserving models.



15.If the hotel has a pool and/or hot tub, install a solar water heating system and use pool and hot tub covers when the pool area is closed.


16.Provide your guests with bicycles, walking maps, and information on public transportation.


17.Provide reusable items such as cloth napkins, glass cups, ceramic dishes, etc. with all food and beverage services.


18.Provide glass cups and ceramic mugs (instead of plastic) for in-room beverages. Place cups and mugs upside down on paper doilies (instead of covering opening with a plastic wrapping).


19.Use daylight exclusively in your lobby, bar, and restaurant for as much of the day as possible. Consider installing skylights if needed.


20.Donate leftover food to a local nonprofit organization and/or use a compost bin.


21.If your hotel has a restaurant, consider transitioning it into a Certified Green Restaurant (www.dinegreen.com) or Certified Green Commercial Kitchen (www.foodservicewarehouse.com). Buy organic, locally-grown food and/or plant an organic garden to provide fresh produce for your guests.


22.Switch to drought resistant native plants in garden areas. Replace mowed landscaping with native ground cover.


23.Replace exit signs with Light Emitting Diode (LED) exit signs.


24.Include filter changes, coil cleaning, thermostat calibration, and damper adjustments in your ongoing maintenance plan.


25.Monitor, record and post rates of energy and water use. Make repairs or replace equipment when rate changes indicate problems.


26.Use an energy management system (EMS) to tie in air handling units, HVAC, and lighting to prevent conditioning space when it is not necessary.

使用能源管理系統 (energy management system, EMS)監控空調箱、暖氣、通風、空調及照明等系統依實際需求運作,以免浪費能源。

27.Create an incentive program to encourage your staff to participate in and improve upon environmentally-friendly practices.


28.Use proper insulation and reflective roof coverings.


29.When doing construction or remodeling projects, contact the U.S. Green Building Council (www.usgbc.org) to learn about the nationally accepted standards for green buildings (called LEED). Buy previously used or recycled-content products whenever possible.


30.Consult outside sources to evaluate the total system when replacing major mechanical equipment (such as chiller, water tower, etc). Often, this can lead to downsizing and other opportunities to reduce both the initial investment and operating costs.


31.Replace electric package terminal air conditioner (PTAC) units with more efficient heat pumps or other geothermal technologies.



32.Donate leftover guest amenities, old furniture, and appliances to charities.


33.If available, schedule an energy audit through your local energy provider.


34.If your hotel has a gift shop, consider purchasing fair trade products.


35.Offer discounted rates to sustainable living/environmental organizations who would like stay at and/or hold meetings at your hotel.



36.Reduce light pollution. Turn off unnecessary lights and large signs. Remove spotlights on trees, shrubs, waterfalls, or other outdoor objects. Point all outdoor lighting down; never shine lights upwards.


37.Replace leaf blowers with eco-friendly brooms. Leaf blowers create noise pollution, impair the health of the user and all those in the immediate vicinity, and cause severe air pollution. A typical leaf blower used for half an hour creates as much air pollution as a typical family car does driving at 40 kph for 10,000 kilometers.


38.Reduce noise pollution. Permit loudspeakers, microphones, and karaoke only in enclosed, soundproof rooms. Remove all outdoor loudspeakers.


 Resources: 原文參考來源:

·                    Descriptions of available hotel certification programs (https://www.bostongreentourism.org/Certification_Programs.html)

·                    EPA’s Energy Star for Hospitality (www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=hospitality.bus_hospitality)

·                    Green Seals Lodging Certification (https://www.greenseal.org/programs/lodging.cfm)

·                    U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Certification (https://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=64)

·                    EcoLogo for Accomodation Facilities (from TerraChoice and Audubon International) (https://www.ecologo.org/en/seeourcriteria/details.asp?ccd_id=365)

·                    Green Globe 21 – Sustainable 21st Century Tourism (www.greenglobe21.com)

·                    “Green” Hotels Association (www.greenhotels.com)

·                    Environmentally Sound Hotel Management Links (excellent resource) (pasture.ecn.purdue.edu/~epados/hotel/src/contact_ww.htm)

·                    Books on ecotourism and sustainable tourism.

·                    Great example of a green hotel: www.orchardgardenhotel.com.



American Green: the Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Lawn, by Ten Steinberg, Norton, 2006

P8: “Using a gas-powered leaf blower for half an hour creates as many polluting hydrocarbon emissions as driving a car 7,700 miles at a speed of 30 miles per hour.


3 則留言

  1. Thank you for sharing with us. 在此也提供我所接觸到的訊息,在國家地理雜誌出版的綠色指南書中交通及旅行篇章裡p272,提到:許多非營利組織包括如TIES,Sustainable Travel Internationl、United Nations Environmental Program、Conservation International and National Geography’s Centre for Sustainable Destination等,都持續對旅遊葉及觀光進行監看及報告。其中Sustainable Travel Internationl 預計2010在台灣出版他們的[永續旅遊及觀光指南],針對永續發展的八個項目,分別就無成本、低成本及投資的等改善方式給業者朝向永續發展的建議。

    1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management and ReductionII. Solid Waste Management, Reduction, Reuse and Recycling
    2. reshwater Consumption Reduction
    3. Wastewater ManagementV. Energy Efficiency, Conservation and Management
    4. Ecosystem and Biodiversity Conservation
    5. Land Use Planning and Management
    6. Air Quality Protection and Noise Reduction
    7. Preserving the Social Norms and Cultures of Local and Indigenous Communities
    8. Providing Economic Benefits to Local and Indigenous Communities
    9. Responsible Purchasing



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