

UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution for the Promotion of ecotourism for poverty eradication and environmental protection.jpg - 日誌用相簿




65/173. 促進生態旅遊,以消除貧窮和保護環境




    又回顧《聯合國千年宣言》、[2] 《發展籌資問題國際會議蒙特雷共識》、[3] 《關於環境與發展的裡約宣言》、[4] 《可持續發展問題世界首腦會議執行計畫》(《約翰尼斯堡執行計畫》)[5] 《發展籌資問題杜哈宣言:審查蒙特雷共識執行情況的發展籌資問題後續國際會議結果文件》[6] 及世界金融和經濟危機及其對發展的影響問題會議成果[7] 以及大會關於千年發展目標的高級別全體會議成果文件,[8]

    還回顧 “宣佈2002年為國際生態旅遊年”的19981215日第53/200號決議,






    1.  認識到在可持續旅遊業框架內發展生態旅遊,可以對創收、創造就業機會和教育,因而對戰勝貧窮和饑餓產生積極影響,並能直接有助於實現國際商定的發展目標,包括千年發展目標;

    2.  強調需要最大程度地擴大所有國家特別是發展中國家包括非洲國家、最不發達國家和小島嶼發展中國家生態旅遊活動產生的經濟、社會和環境惠益;

    3.  又強調生態旅遊可以對可持續發展特別是保護環境及改善當地和土著社區的福祉做出貢獻;

    4.  認識到生態旅遊鼓勵東道國當地和土著社區及旅遊者保護和尊重自然和文化遺產,為養護、保護和可持續利用自然區創造重要機會;

    5.  又認識到生態旅遊通過在當地社區改善個人生計實現減貧以及在為社區發展項目籌集資源方面具有潛力;

    6.  在這方面著重指出,必須在國家一級依照國家優先目標為促進和支援生態旅遊和盡可能減少其負面影響制定適當準則和規章,並鼓勵會員國依照本國立法推動生態旅遊投資,其中可以包括創建中小型企業和便利融資機會,包括在生態旅遊潛力大的地區包括農村地區為窮人、當地和土著社區推出微額信貸舉措;

    7.  又著重指出,為創造生態旅遊機會,應當依照國家立法進行一次環境影響評估;

    8.  強調指出在制定生態旅遊政策時,必須充分考慮、尊重和弘揚土著文化、傳統和知識的所有方面,並著重指出,必須推動當地和土著社區充分參與和介入對其有影響的決策,必須適當地將土著和當地知識、傳統和價值觀融入生態旅遊舉措;

    9.  強調必須在生態旅遊舉措框架內採取有效措施,確保賦予婦女各項權力,包括確保婦女和男子在各級平等參與所有領域的決策進程;

    10. 要求聯合國系統在努力實現千年發展目標的全球運動中提倡生態旅遊,作為有助於實現這些目標特別是消除極端貧窮和確保環境可持續性以及支持發展中國家在這一領域的努力和政策等目標的一個手段;

    11. 鼓勵區域和國際金融機構考慮到與生態旅遊有關的方案和項目的經濟和環境惠益,給予這類活動適當的支持;

    12. 認識到北南合作在促進生態旅遊以在發展中國家實現經濟增長、減少不平等現象和提高生活水準方面的作用,並認識到南南合作和三角合作作為對北南合作的補充,在促進生態旅遊方面具有潛力;

    13. 秘書長與世界旅遊組織和其他相關的聯合國機構和方案合作,就本決議的執行情況向大會第六十七屆會議提交一份報告,包括就如何促進生態旅遊以作為戰勝貧窮和促進可持續發展的手段提出建議。 



[1] 見第60/1號決議。

[2] 見第55/2號決議。

[3] 《發展籌資問題國際會議的報告,2002318日至22日,墨西哥蒙特雷》(聯合國出版物,出售品編號:C.02.II.A.7),第一章,決議1,附件。

[4] 《聯合國環境與發展會議的報告,199263日至14日,里約熱內盧》(聯合國出版物,出售品編號:C.93.I.8和更正),第一卷:《環發會議通過的決議》,決議1,附件一。

[5] 《可持續發展問題世界首腦會議的報告,2002826日至94日,南非約翰尼斯堡》(聯合國出版物,出售品編號:C.03.II.A.1和更正),第一章,決議2,附件。



[8] 見第65/1號決議。


Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 20 December 2010

[on the report of the Second Committee (A/65/440)]

65/173.    Promotion of ecotourism for poverty eradication and environment protection 


          The General Assembly,

          Recalling the 2005 World Summit Outcome,[1]

          Recalling also the United Nations Millennium Declaration,[2] the Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development,[3] the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development,[4] the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (“Johannesburg Plan of Implementation”),[5] the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development: outcome document of the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus,[6] the Outcome of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development[7] and the outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals,[8]

          Recalling further its resolution 53/200 of 15 December 1998 entitled “Proclamation of 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism”,

          Stressing that poverty is a multifaceted problem that requires a multifaceted and integrated approach in addressing its economic, political, social, environmental and institutional dimensions at all levels,

          Stressing also that ecotourism can, within the framework of sustainable tourism, contribute to the fight against poverty, the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development,

          Welcoming the efforts of the World Tourism Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Convention on Biological Diversity to promote ecotourism and sustainable tourism worldwide,

          Welcoming also the efforts of the Marrakech Process on sustainable consumption and production, and in particular its task force on sustainable tourism development, as a cross-sectoral example of more sustainable consumption and production practices,

          Noting the initiatives launched and the events organized at the subregional, regional and international levels in the field of ecotourism and sustainable development,

          1.       Recognizes that the development of ecotourism, within the framework of sustainable tourism, can have a positive impact on income generation, job creation and education, and thus on the fight against poverty and hunger, and can contribute directly to achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals;

          2.       Emphasizes the need to maximize the economic, social and environmental benefits stemming from ecotourism activities in all countries, particularly developing countries, including African countries, the least developed countries and small island developing States;

          3.       Also emphasizes that ecotourism can contribute to sustainable development, in particular environment protection, and improve the well-being of local and indigenous communities;

          4.       Recognizes that ecotourism creates significant opportunities for the conservation, protection and sustainable use of natural areas by encouraging local and indigenous communities in host countries and tourists alike to preserve and respect the natural and cultural heritage;

          5.       Also recognizes the potential of ecotourism to reduce poverty by improving individual livelihoods in local communities and to generate resources for community development projects;

          6.       Underlines, in this regard, the importance of establishing, at the national level and in accordance with national priorities, appropriate guidelines and regulations for promoting and supporting ecotourism and minimizing its potential negative impact, and encourages Member States to promote investment in ecotourism, in accordance with their national legislation, which may include creating small- and medium-sized enterprises and facilitating access to finance, including through microcredit initiatives for the poor, local and indigenous communities in areas with high ecotourism potential, including rural areas;

          7.       Also underlines the importance of conducting an environmental impact assessment, in accordance with national legislation, for the development of ecotourism opportunities;

          8.       Stresses that indigenous cultures, traditions and knowledge, in all their aspects, are to be fully considered, respected and promoted in ecotourism policy development, and underlines the importance of promoting the full participation and involvement of local and indigenous communities in decisions that affect them and of integrating indigenous and local knowledge, heritage and values in ecotourism initiatives, as appropriate;

          9.       Emphasizes the need for effective measures in the context of ecotourism initiatives to ensure the full empowerment of women, including equal participation of women and men at all levels and in decision-making processes in all areas;

          10.     Calls upon the United Nations system, in the context of the global campaign for the Millennium Development Goals, to promote ecotourism as an instrument that can contribute to achieving those Goals, in particular the Goals of eradicating extreme poverty and of ensuring environmental sustainability, and to support the efforts and policies of developing countries in this field;

          11.     Encourages the regional and international financial institutions to provide adequate support to programmes and projects related to ecotourism, taking into account the economic and environmental benefits of such activities;

          12.     Recognizes the role of North-South cooperation in promoting ecotourism as a means to achieve economic growth, to reduce inequalities and to improve living standards in developing countries, and also recognizes that South-South and triangular cooperation, as complements to North-South cooperation, have potential for promoting ecotourism;

          13.     Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session, in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization and other relevant United Nations agencies and programmes, a report on the implementation of the present resolution, including recommendations on ways and means to promote ecotourism as a tool for fighting poverty and promoting sustainable development.


69th plenary meeting
20 December 2010

[1] See resolution 60/1.

[2] See resolution 55/2.

[3] Report of the International Conference on Financing for Development, Monterrey, Mexico, 18–22 March 2002 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.02.II.A.7), chap. I, resolution 1, annex.

[4] Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3–14 June 1992, vol. I, Resolutions Adopted by the Conference (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.93.I.8 and corrigendum), resolution 1, annex I.

[5] Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 August–4 September 2002 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.03.II.A.1 and corrigendum), chap. I, resolution 2, annex.

[6] Resolution 63/239, annex.

[7] Resolution 63/303, annex.

[8] See resolution 65/1.







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