
Indonesia Tourism Minister Arief Yahya Source Tony Charters AM.jpg - 日誌用相簿Image: Indonesia’s Tourism Minister, Arief Yahya
Source: Tony Charters AM

印尼觀光部長Arief Yahya在2016東南亞觀光論壇(ASEAN Tourism Forum 2016)宣布,印尼將大舉投資基礎建設與觀光景點發展,投資計畫擺在優先發展10個觀光景點、促進15個二線城市的機場、提升27條現有機場的跑道品質,以及整修13座老舊機場.


Indonesia’s Tourism Minister, Arief Yahya, set out an ambitious plan for infrastructure and destination development at the ASEAN Tourism Forum in Manila recently. Among the projects is the development of 10 priority destinations, the development of 15 secondary city airports and the improvement of 27 existing airport runways and the refurbishment of 13 existing airports. Minister Yahya also announced that the marketing budget for Indonesia had been increased by 300%. Minister Yahya said the Indonesian government had responded rapidly and effectively to the recent terrorist attack in Jakarta and that such an event could happen anywhere. He said the incident should not be seen as an event that has compromised Jakarta’s reputation as a safe destination.


The ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) is a cooperative regional effort to promote the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region as one tourist destination. This annual event involves all the tourism industry sectors of the 10 member nations of ASEAN: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. 

英文內容與圖片取自:「Tourforce – Edition 96 – January 2016






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