








Ecotourism In Australia:Perspectives in Policy, Certification and Special Permissions

國際上生態旅遊從觀念發想到實踐,剛好半世紀,從最初的單純以環境保育為出發點,到現今大家賦予不同的任務與理想,定義可謂五花八門。生態旅遊最早於西元1965年由美國學者Nicolas Hetzer博士創造出「Eco-tourism」一詞,解釋遊客、環境與文化三者互動的內在關係,並提出:(1)最小的環境衝擊、(2)尊重在地文化與最小的衝擊、(3)帶給當地最大的經濟效益及(4)帶給遊客最佳的遊憩體驗等四項準則,期盼能藉此概念的推廣,使旅遊活動對環境更加負責任。



澳洲共有19處經聯合國教科文組織認定的世界遺產,包括地球上最古老的雨林,以及總面積達全世界總量三分之一的海洋生態保護區,目前是全球生態旅遊產業最發達的國家,在相關的學術研究、法令規章、產業模式、行銷宣傳上一直都是國際翹楚,政府與民間團體合作推動的情形也是世界範例。而昆士蘭州(Queensland),位於澳洲的東北部,面積為澳洲第二大州,人口排名全澳第三,境內有五處世界自然遺產保護區(Fraser Island、Gondwana Rainforests、Great Barrier Reef、Riversleigh、Wet Tropics),其中名聞遐邇的大堡礁就在其轄內。除了海洋資源,昆士蘭森林資源也非常豐富,生物多樣性高,地貌變化多,地質演化證據處處可見,因此昆士蘭州也是澳洲生態旅遊的熱區。

There are 19 sites in Australia listed in the UNESCO World Heritage list, including the oldest rainforests on the Earth. In addition Australia has about one-third of the total marine reserves in the world. Some say, Australia is the most developed eco-tourism country around the world up to dated. 

Australia’s government works closely with NGO’s to deliver some of the best eco academic research, laws, regulations, and industry practices in the world. This partnership has put Australia as a world leader in ecotourism.

Queensland – is located in the northeast of the country, it is the second largest state in Australia by area and the third largest by population. Queensland has five areas recognized on the World Heritage Register for their outstanding ecological sites (Fraser Island, Gondwana Rainforests, Great Barrier Reef, Riversleigh, and Wet Tropics). Among those, the Great Barrier Reef probably the most famous one.

Queensland is rich in biodiversity, rain forests to marine sanctuaries. The landscape shows evidence of geological evolution the area has experienced through the millennia; thus Queensland is the number one eco-tourism destination in Australia. 


The Australian Government and Queensland state government view ecotourism as a competitive advantage over other tourist destinations. As a result the government has worked with NGOs to implement an ecotourism policy, eco-certificate and special eco permit programs that foster the growth of ecotourism industry. This not only attracts business but protects the ecological wonders in Queensland.

This program is an excellent example for the Taiwan Ecotourism development.

政策宣示 方向明確  Policy statements and clear directions

澳洲第一個擬定生態旅遊發展計畫的州政府就是昆士蘭,在1997年發布第一版「昆士蘭生態旅遊發展策略及行動方案」(Queensland Ecotourism Plan),接著有2003-2008的第二版及2013-2020的第三版,有目標與期程來設定各項操作準則、實施標章認證、進行市場調查、推出行銷活動,並強化生態旅遊中的原住民文化元素。

Australia’s first draft of the eco-tourism development program was by the Queensland state government, this was published in 1997 and titled the “Queensland ecotourism development strategy and action plan” (Queensland Ecotourism Plan). Followed by a second version in 2003-2008 and third version in 2013 -2020. The eco-tourism development program document outlines the goals and action plans for implementation of the certification certification, conducting certificationeting assessments, launching certificationeting campaigns, and plans on how to strengthen the indigenous elements in ecotourism.


Ten years after the first version was launched, Queensland is home to more than half of Australia’s eco certified products which drives the innovation of eco-accommodations and eco-tours in Australia and the world. Obviously, this policy shows its power in leading the development of the ecotourism certificationet.


Furthermore, the 3rd edition of “Queensland ecotourism development strategy and action plan”, describes the importances of eco-tourism development. This document spells out the opportunities and challenges for eco-tourism in Queensland starting from the vision and how setting strategic priorities develop ecotourism in Queensland.

The vision; Queensland is Australia’s number one ecotourism destination and recognized as a world leader in ecotourism, delivering the best nature-based experiences which contributes to the conservation of our natural resources and cultural heritage.

Followed by a list of strategic priority and action plans for the next 6 months, 12 months, 2 years and 3 years, spelling out the responsible organization for each step. So the program has specific plans, rather than just a slogan.

In the plan, one can see the Queensland Government’s ambition for the ecotourism certificationet and explains how to reach these ambitious targets, which shows the strong commitment and confidence the government has in its resources. Also, the report provides statistics for Queensland tourism, including ideas and practices on the development of eco-tourism. Indeed; it is really excellent material for reference, learning and study.

標章認證 引領標竿  Certification Leading Benchcertificationing

澳洲生態旅遊協會(Ecotourism Australia)於1996年推出全世界第一套生態旅遊認證系統,澳洲政府也納為推動觀光發展,提升業界水準的配套措施,例如納入「國家地景自然產品標誌」的自動認可機制,只要獲有生態旅遊標章系統的任一標章,自動符合該標誌準則的前二條規定,而獲有進階級生態旅遊標章者,則自動符合所有準則。另外,「生態旅遊標章」與「進階生態旅遊標章」也獲得全球永續旅遊推動聯盟(Global Sustainable Tourism Council)認可的永續旅遊相關標章之一,可以自動掛上該聯盟的標誌。

Ecotourism Australia launched the world’s first ecotourism certification system in 1996; the Australian Government adopted the system for driving the tourism certificationet growth and elevates tourism industry standards. For example: including an automatic recognition mechanism for “National Nature-base landscape products Certification” – as long as the operator received any of the Eco Certification from ecotourism certification system will immediately comply with the former two provisions of that product Certification when they applied. Those operators who are granted the Advanced Ecotourism Certification will immediately comply with all the criteria from that product certification.

The Certifiications“Ecotourism “and “Advanced Ecotourism” have recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) as sustainable tourism related Certification, one who has such ecotourism certification can also post the symbol from the GSTC.


Certification systems provide the industry a process to improve service quality by meeting standards of eco-tourism program, at the same time; these serve as the important bases for travelers to select operators that meet standards which are consistent and recognized to provide experiences which sustain the ecology. It has become a certificationeting tool for eco-tourism operators in Australia. By showing Ecotourism Certification on the operator website, leaflets, brochure, and other types of certificationeting media proving its environment friendliness; and also as a certified eco-tourism operator, in order to attract travelers who have the value the same qualites.

On the other hand, by promoting the corporate image, blessing the long-term certificationeting results this will increase the attractiveness and credibility in the international certificationeting.

Even banks are willing to provide more collateral in the form of loans to certified operators.


24% of the National Tourism Award winners in Australia are operating with the Eco Certification from Ecotourism Australia, this shows that the Eco Certification plays an important role in benchcertificationing tourism operators. 


The certification including 4 categories with 8 certify certification.

一、生態認證ECO Certification):分為「進階生態旅遊」(ADVANCED ECOTOURISM)、「生態旅遊」(ECOTOURISM)及「自然旅遊」(NATURE TOURISM)三種層級的標章。

Eco Certification: divided into (ADVANCED ECOTOURISM), (ECOTOURISM) and (NATURE TOURISM) three tiers of the certification.

二、氣候行動認證(Climate Action Certification):分成「氣候行動領袖」(CLIMATE ACTION LEADER)、「氣候行動創新者」(CLIMATE ACTION INNOVATOR)及「氣候行動企業」(CLIMATE ACTION BUSINESS)三種層級的標章。

Climate Action Certification: divided into “Climate Action Leader”, “Climate Action Innovator” and “Climate Action Enterprise” three tiers of the certification.

三、尊重在地文化認證(Respecting Our Culture):標示業者是以專業且永續的方式讓遊客的體驗符合其期待,同時鼓勵業者尊重原住民文化遺產。

Respecting Our Culture certification (Respecting Our Culture): labeling the operator’s process in professional and sustainable that leads the visitor experience in line with their expectations, while encouraging the operator to respect indigenous cultural heritage.



Eco Guide certification: targeting the individual guide, covering general guidance skills and the ecological tour guides should have the knowledge and ability to minimize the impact on the environment.

特許保障 鼓勵優者  Encourage excellent in concession guarantee


The Australian and the Queensland governments have been open and supportive to the development of eco-tourism industry. They see the growth in these certified industries as beneficial to the environment and economies. Government departments have long term relationships with Ecotourism Australia in many areas and interact frequently on promotion and certificationeting the business, just like a partnership.

Ecotourism Australia’s platform grants recognition for excellent performance to Eco certified operators, such as: charter tour operations to a special zone within national parks or reserves, extend the expiration dates, Government public relations prioritize recommended operators and, so on.
Thus, natural resources can be a serve humanity, and benefit from effective management that prevents damage to the environment, is also a way to encourage the operators participate in eco-tourism industry


Visual cases such as Undara Volcanoes National Park, one of the longest lava flows in the world, formed about 190,000 years ago during a volcanic eruption. Some parts of the formation such as: the lava cave, the spectacular landscape, it is likely to be dangerous for visitors if there is no control. In addition some of the caves have large bat populations inside, permitting allows for the protection of the bats and maintaining their ecology. So Undara Volcanic National Park Authority franchise two resorts and a travel agency to lead tourists through the caves. The Undara Volcanic National Park website lists those franchises with certifications for visitors to choice. 

另外,如在Mareeba濕地保護區(Mareeba Tropical Savanna and Wetland Reserve Nature Refuge)及Rose Gums自然保護區(Rose Gums Nature Refuge),都特許獲有澳洲生態旅遊協會認證生態標章的度假村業者在保護區內營業。

Additionally, the Mareeba Tropical Savanna, Wetland Reserve Nature Refuge, and Rose Gums Nature Refuge are granted special permits for operation as a Eco-certification resort within the protection zone from Ecotourism Australia.











8 則留言

  1. 「生態旅遊不是消耗自然生態讓業者賺錢的護身符,反而應該以嚴謹的規範來審視操作過程是否符合生態保育、環境保護、環境教育及社區福祉等要素,而非只拿生態當招客賣點,拿生物當娛客玩具。」








  2. 簡總幹事:



  3. 賴總  你說下一步該怎麼走? 

    找決策單位談嗎?  台灣似乎有三個中央部門有關 農委會內政部與交通部  好像各自為政!  上頭行政院不知是哪位政務委員掌管??  你在台北不防打聽後去拜訪

    中央三部會相關資訊網路該可找到吧?  台灣生態旅遊是否有相關法規依據?



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