






6 New Design-Savvy Eco Hotels Around the Globe

by Kara DiCamillo, Newport, Rhode Island  on 03. 3.10


Consumer demand for greener hotels has been on the rise over the last few years — and as a result, many hotels now use green practices as marketing messages, not always truthfully. When it comes down to it, most ‘eco’ hotels and resorts could be doing more.


Through sustainable design and strict environmental practices and beliefs, these six vacation destinations go way beyond organic hand creams in bathrooms, reusing of towels, organic bedding, and eco-friendly cleaning products, following the dual mission of respect for nature and savvy-design.

whitepod swiss alps eco hotel
Photo via Whitepod. 

1. 瑞士‧艾格勒Whitepod度假村




  • 將每日用水與用電量降到最低  Minimize daily water and electricity consumption
  • 減少產生廢棄物 Reduce waste production
  • 儘量使用可以再生的資源  Favor the use of renewable resources
  • 增進遊客環境保護知覺 Increase the clients’ awareness of environment protection  

1. Whitepod, Aigle, Switzerland

Can igloos actually be comfy and cozy? They can at Whitepod, and they even have access to a ski slopes with private lifts and views of Lake Geneva. Set high in the breathtaking Swiss Alps, Whitepod may draw repeat offenders. The chic, 15 geodesic-dome pods surround a central chalet and are designed to be in harmony with the surrounding environment while resembling boutique hotel rooms inside. Designed to blend with nature, the pods are green-colored in the summer and covered with white canvas in the winter for maximum energy-efficiency. Additionally, they are built on platforms that won’t leave a trace on the land.

Each pod is equipped with a terrace to soak in the view, a wood-burning stove, and solar and rechargeable energy that heats and powers them. Be prepared to take in the fresh air, because the zero-impact dome camps are accessible only on skis or snowshoes.

2. 加拿大‧魁北克與蒙特婁‧ALT另類飯店

在飯店業以時尚與別緻著稱的日耳曼集團Le Germain Group)最近在加拿大的魁北克與蒙特婁二地開設新飯店,都叫ALT另類飯店。新飯店的設計理念很簡單,就是令人耳目一新的另類經驗,結合了創新設計與現代感,而且不是頂貴的。



2. ALT Hotels, Quebec and Montreal, Canada

alt eco hotel canada photo Image via ALT Hotels.

Known for their hip and chic hotels, Le Germain Group recently opened two new locations in Canada, both called the ALT Hotel. The concept is simple: a refreshing alternative experience that combines innovative design and a modern personality, without charging top-tier rates.

According to their Web site, ALT is the first Canadian hotel chain designed to follow the principles of ecological architecture. The one element that they are most proud of is their use of geothermal heating and cooling, which also includes radiant floor heating in the lobby. The hotel’s green heating system will reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 430 tons/year, which is an average of 2.7 tons/day or 7 kg/day for each room. Additionally, as we noted prior to the hotel opening, features also include heat recovery from exhaust air, heat recovery from laundry water, energy efficient lighting, and digital controls of ventilation, cooling and heating.

Le Germain believes that attention to energy conservation will become the new standard in the hotel industry. So as a company, being “ALTernative” means caring about the environment and being “eco-proactive.”

3.英國‧康沃爾The Scarlet飯店

The Scarlet飯店設計時面對一道難題,要如何提供遊客一個豪華且奇特的休憩空間,但又不傷害地球?於是他們試著建造一棟可以享受奢華又可永續環境資源的飯店,來證明這是可行的。他們從建材、內裝、高規格隔絕設施防止暖氣外洩、運用太陽能及自然對流等各設計面向考慮,為環保飯店奠定良好基礎。



廢棄物處理 manage our waste

1.減量  Reduce

我們與供應商及下游廠商密切合作,確保廢棄物從源頭減量。  We work closely with our suppliers and sub-contractors to ensure that the amount of waste that we produce is minimised from the outset.   

2.再利用 Reuse

儘可能利用所有物件,例如遊客不帶回在這邊DIY的有機肥皂,我們就回收作為清潔劑。  We reuse all items that we can, for example if guests decide not to take their handmade, organic soap home with them we reuse it in our laundry as a stain remover.

3.回收 Recycle

儘可能回收所有物品,如紙張、紙板、瓶罐、塑膠、玻璃,甚至燭蠟,我們也一再送回在地蠟燭工廠重製。  We recycle everything that we can; paper, cardboard, tins, cans, plastics, glass – even our candle wax is sent back to back to our local candle company to be used again!

減少碳足跡   reduce our carbon footprint

  • 以太陽能加熱室內溫水游泳池  We have solar panels to heat the indoor swimming pool
  • 使用生質鍋爐,燃燒永續認證的木柴提供暖氣  We have a biomass boiler, run on sustainable wood chips, to heat the hotel
  • 建置自然通風系統,減少使用空調  We have installed a natural ventilation system rather than use air conditioning units
  • 建置高規格的隔絕設施防止暖氣外洩  The hotel has high levels of  insulation throughout reducing heat loss
  • 電力是由Ecotricity綠色能源公司提供再生能源  Our electricity is supplied by Ecotricity ensuring it comes from a renewable energy source
  • 鼓勵員工共乘   We encourage our staff to car share

協助社區發展  support our local community

  • 我們的所有產品與服務皆購自在地並保證採購  We have a buy local, buy responsible policy which applies to all produce, products and services
  • 我們贊助與支持一些在地慈善團體  We are corporate sponsors of, and support a number of local charities
  • 我們積極參與在地社會與環境相關計畫  We activley support social and environmental projects within our local area
  • 我們協助組織及運作 Mawgan Porth 海灘的淨灘工作  We help to organise and run beach cleans at Mawgan Porth beach
  • 我們與在地學校及教職員一起合作  We work with local schools and colleges
  • 我們提供諮商及資訊給在地其他事業   We provide advice and information for other businesses


We are committed to decreasing any negative impacts we have on our stunning surroundings, continually improving upon our positive environmental and social efforts, ensuring that we deliver a high quality, environmentally sensitive hotel.

3. The Scarlet, Cornwall, England

the scarlet england eco hotel photo Image via The Scarlet.

The Scarlet had a challenge that the owners found to be a significant one. They wanted their hotel to be luxurious and a fantastic place to stay, but designed without harming the planet. So they set out to build a new hotel to prove that sumptuous didn’t necessarily mean unsustainable. From the building materials, to the interiors, to the high levels of insulation, air tightness, and the utilization of solar energy and natural cooling, every aspect of the design was addressed to provide a sound base for an eco-hotel.

Utilizing the fantastic cliff-top location, all of the rooms are focused around the view, but with varying spaces such as intimate gardens, shell-like viewing pods and wrap around terraces. The design works around clever use of levels, revealing function and glimpses of views, with a central ‘wall’ to physically anchor the building to the cliff side. The front of the building is stunning, with an organic facade, a sea thrift roof and reclaimed groynes. The coastal landscape is the center of attention and “blurs the boundaries between the indoors and out.”

4. 義大利‧南蒂羅爾‧ Vigilius Mountain度假村

 Vigilius Mountain度假村位於Vigiljoch山,被稱為「現代木屋」。建築師將建物表現為樹林中的倒木—飯店的木框外觀就是倒木樹皮的象徵。

從採用生態工法到永續利用當地資源,Vigilius Mountain度假村一開始就採取尊重自然的態度。最令人訝異的一點是度假村無車可達,只能靠步行或搭纜車。言下之意是該處沒有混亂的交通與噪音,只有偶爾劃破寧靜山區的風吹聲。




On the exterior as well as in the interior, the design is characterized through the use of materials from renewable resources. The highly efficient insulation, the wood chip heating system, as well as the economical use of the precious Vigiljoch spring water, further expand upon the ecologic concept.   

4. Vigilius Mountain Resort, South Tyrol, Italy

vigilus mountain resort eco hotel photo Photo via Malediven.

Located on Vigiljoch Mountain, the Vigilus Mountain Resort is said to be a “wooden house of modernity.” The architect designed the building to resemble a fallen tree lying in the woods — the wooden lattice facade represents the bark of the fallen tree.

From the nature-based construction methods to the sustainable use of local resources, the Vigilus’ commitment to an ecological approach was apparent from the very beginning. And perhaps the most surprising element is that the resort is located in a car-free altitude — it can only be reached by foot or by cable car. This means there is no traffic or noise, and one hears merely the occasional whisper of the winds that break the silence of the mountains.

With warm colors and materials such as clay, glass, stone, and linen, each room is intimate with vast views as far as the eye can see. The panoramic windows bring the outdoors closer with dramatic views of the woods and mountains. There are no obstructions and with the scent of wood in each room, it almost feels like a tree house.

5. 美國加州‧太浩湖968公園飯店


968公園飯店更絕的是所有設計的細微末節都設想周到,例如:隔絕(隔熱或隔冷)設施是由回收牛仔褲製成的,飾條與踢腳板是由回收木頭製成,大廳擺設的材料有的是回收自老舊游泳池的欄杆,垃圾桶是百分之百回收材質製成,圍籬、床頭櫃、梳妝檯及床邊桌都是回收的木頭製成,所有環保措施清單都可在該公司網頁968 Park Hotel’s eco-initiatives看到,實在令人佩服!(譯註:因項目繁多,此處不加註翻譯,另外專文翻譯介紹。) 

5. 968 Park Hotel, Lake Tahoe, California

Tahoe Hotel Room photo
Image via 968 Park Hotel.

968 Park Hotel stands as Lake Tahoe’s new and only green hotel. The former structure of the hotel was taken down and 968 was rebuilt with every possible opportunity to use eco-friendly, sustainable materials and green processes. In keeping with the rustic theme of Lake Tahoe, the hotel walls and structural elements are built from reclaimed, aged Douglas Fir lumber, finished with natural patinas, and the exterior features recycled metal siding, designed to be easily removable for maintenance.

What’s cool about 968 Park Hotel is all of the thoughtful little design elements, such as: insulation is made from blue jeans, trim and baseboards are made from recycled wood, lobby furniture is made from material recycled from an old pool fence, trash cans are made from 100% recycled material, fencing is made from recycled wood, and headboards, vanity, and bedside tables are constructed of recycled wood. A full listing of 968 Park Hotel’s eco-initiatives can be found on their Web site: We’re quite impressed.


6. 非洲 ‧賽舌爾群島軍艦鳥島度假村



6. Frégate Island Private, Seychelles, Africa

fregate island eco resort seychelles photo Photo via Frégate Island Private.

Seeing Frégate Island from a birds-eye view, you wouldn’t even know structures existed — a true sign of designing for the environment. Located in the middle of the Indian Ocean just below the equator, Frégate is an example of how man and nature can successfully coexist. It’s one of the most important sanctuaries for rare endemic and indigenous animals, setting an inspiring example for others to follow with conservation projects. With tons of conservation projects, Frégate Island has been said to be the Seychelles’ leading eco-retreat.

With just 17 villas, Frégate Island is a natural, private paradise. Each is built of native mahogany and clad in rich African Chamfuta Teak wood, meant to blend harmoniously into its natural surroundings. The interior architectural design of the villas is simple yet elegant, accented with African Chamfuta Teak skirting boards that edge cream Botticino marble floors, while vaulted roofs and Merbou timber framework faithfully reflect a diverse colonial architectural heritage. 



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