

加拿大越洋航空(Air Transat)是全球永續旅遊委員會(Global Sustainable Tourism Council,GSTC)成員,是一家很努力推展永續旅遊的航空與旅行業者。其網站有一頁專責宣導永續旅遊,除了推薦有國際環保標章認證的酒店外,也有相關文章,以下是該文章的中文翻譯,歡迎參考。



Eight tips on travelling responsibly




你不必為了要尊重地球及其生命而一定在簡陋小屋過夜,或是只能騎腳踏車環遊某國, 其實無論是在何處旅遊,或是住宿與活動的方式,這裡有幾個叮嚀可以讓你的假期有「永續」意義而且充滿回憶。 

You don’t need to sleep in a hut or travel a country by bike to respect the planet and its inhabitants. There are simpler ways to make your holiday as sustainable and memorable as possible, no matter the destination, type of accommodation or activities.



Here’s how…



 1. 選擇綠色旅宿


1. Choose green accommodations.

Look for hotels that are certified and recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, as they contribute to the protection of the environment and to the well-being of local populations.


2. 輕裝旅行


2. Travel light.

The heavier the aircraft, the greater its fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. By lightening your luggage load, you help minimize the impact of your flight on climate change.


3. 與在地連結


3. Connect with the locals.

Why not learn about the local customs and a few words in their native language? That will be a sure way to build stronger bonds.


4. 惜用在地資源


4. Use your destination’s resources sparingly.

Water, electricity and fuel are vital, so reduce your consumption to help conserve them.


5. 促進在地經濟


5. Encourage the local economy.

Participate in touristic activities that benefit the inhabitants. For example, buy souvenirs from local artisans and artists, hire local guides for your excursions, and frequent bars and restaurants operated by locals.


6. 尊重在地人


6. Respect your hosts.

Wear clothing that honours their local customs, and ask for permission before taking their photos. Also, the local standard of living may be lower than yours, so practising a little humility about your own belongings goes a long way.


7. 保護自然與文化遺產


7. Protect the natural and cultural heritage.

Do not litter, bring back corals or stones from heritage sites, venture into areas closed off to the public or buy souvenirs made from threatened species. This way, you help ensure that future generations can benefit from this heritage for a long time.


8. 防止任何形式的剝削


8. Avoid any type of exploitation.

Ask for reasonable services and pay a fair price. No matter where you go, respect human rights and protect kids and teenagers from any type of exploitation, such as prostitution or sex tourism.








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