
數十年來,全球旅遊業持續發達,成為各國經濟快速增長的支柱之一。聯合國世界旅遊組織(World Tourism Organization, UNWTO)於2017年7月發布統計UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2017 Edition),全世界觀光相關產業的經濟效益有:









  • 2015年國際旅客成長4.6%,達到11億8400萬
  • 2015年觀光業輸出值為美金1兆5千億美元
  • 預估2016年國際旅客成長率為3.5% 至 4.5%之間
  • 預估2030前國際旅客數量將達18億  

Current developments and forecasts 

  • International tourist arrivals grew by 4.6 % in 2015 to 1,184 million
  • In 2015, international tourism generated US$ 1.5 trillion in export earnings
  • UNWTO forecasts a growth in international tourist arrivals of between 3.5% and 4.5% in 2016
  • By 2030, UNWTO forecasts international tourist arrivals to reach 1.8 billion (UNWTO Tourism Towards 2030)














帛琉總統府在2017年12月6日頒布行政命令,自7日起,所有外國旅客在入境通關時其護照內頁會蓋上「帛琉誓詞Palau Pledge)」戳章,旅客須於欄位上簽名,才能獲准入境,以作為在帛琉旅遊期間「願共同維護環境生態及尊重帛琉文化的承諾」。如果有遊客入境後做出違反誓詞的行為,最高可罰款100萬美元(約3000萬台幣)。



















Q: What is the Palau Pledge?

The Palau Pledge is a world-first initiative that requires all visitors to the country to make a commitment to protecting Palau’s natural environment and respect local traditions. This pledge will be stamped and signed into each visitor’s passport before they gain entry into the country.

This tiny island nation has seen a huge growth in tourist numbers in recent years. With so many visitors, the government recognized the need to make these visitors accountable for their actions to avoid significant environmental damage and cultural disruption. Without this change, degradation over time would put the country’s environment at risk and damage the home of future generations of Palauans. The Palau Pledge was created in consultation with the Palau Government and the island’s youngest citizens, its children.

The Palau Pledge asks guests to take responsibility for their actions and make a conscious effort to tread lightly – to have minimal impact and help conserve Palau (respecting the modern-day BUL) during their stay – so that they can enjoy the many marvels of Palau without taking away from them. The pledge aims to conserve the country’s natural and cultural resources so citizens and guests can enjoy them for years to come.

Q: How will the Palau Pledge change how people visit the country?

The Palau Pledge will be a mandatory part of the immigration process for anyone entering Palau. All visitors must read the pledge and sign their name, committing to make an effort to protect the country’s natural environment and preserve local traditions for generations to come. They will also have to sign a conservation contract as part of the official government arrivals form notifying them of Palau’s conservation laws and the penalties for breaking them.

All Palau Pledge materials including the immigration stamp have been translated into five languages consistent with the key inbound visitor markets of Japan, USA, Korea, Taiwan and China. By doing this, visitors will be able to clearly understand what is expected of them.

Q: Why is the country changing is immigration process?
As Palau continues to grow in popularity as a tourist destination, the government and associated community groups have recognized the need for stronger controls to protect the country’s natural environment.

Many visitors to the country don’t even realize that their activity can have an impact on the environment but small changes can lead to big impacts if left unchecked.

The Palau Pledge hopes to connect with visitors as they enter the country and speak directly to them to ask them to be considerate of Palauans’ home. It aims to: encourage environmentally sound habits in visitors, cultural exchange and respect for local traditions, to ensure the preservation – even betterment – of holiday destinations; teach visitors more about their surroundings and help them experience the country the way Palauans do – gently and with a focus on making sure Palau remains one of the most beautiful places on earth; ensure that tourism has a positive impact on Palau, because anything less is not sustainable.

Q: What does Palau hope to achieve with the Palau Pledge?

The Palau Pledge is about raising awareness of the environmental issues associated with tourism to change how people travel and interact with the environment while on holiday.
People travel to these beautiful places precisely because they are pristine, unique and offer something that they can’t see at home. Since tourism occurs in environmentally fragile areas rich in biodiversity (like Palau), its impact on the environment is significant. But guests to Palau – and any other country – need to be respectful of the environment and culture they are visiting to make sure they leave each place as they find it for future visitors and future generations to enjoy. The aim is to set an example for visitors to the country. The hope is that after they leave Palau this will also make them think of their own country’s future and how to treat the earth with due respect.

Q: How can you measure the impact of the Palau Pledge?

Palau is an example of a pristine environment rich in biodiversity and a haven for endangered species. The impact of mass tourism for Palau will be slow to fully realize. The reefs will be broken and polluted, affecting the health of the ocean and speeding up the devastating effects of climate change on a small island nation. Trash and chemicals will clog beaches and effect the health of its rare wildlife and environment. Endangered species will become scarcer and could disappear forever. But by making changes now, the hope is to reverse this process to preserve and protect Palau.

Palau already has existing laws to protect the environment. One outcome of the Palau Pledge is to empower enforcement officers to impose existing laws.

Over time, as the message of the Pledge effects the broader awareness, Palau will see an increase in compliance with guidelines and environmental laws associated with the Pledge from its visitors.

In the long-term Pledge aims to protect the rich biodiversity of the natural environment creating an
eco-system that is resilient to climate change and the other stressors that Palau faces in coming years.

Q: Who came up with the idea of the Palau Pledge?

A local community group, the Palau Legacy Project, partnered with Australian communications agency, Host/Havas Australia to come up with a way to counteract the environmental and cultural impacts caused by mass tourism and encourage a new model of conscious tourism, ensuring Palauans can properly manage the natural and cultural resources on which they depend. After all, tourism shouldn’t be a one-way street. Everyone involved should be benefiting from it.

The Palau Pledge was conceived in collaboration and consultation the children of Palau and many local groups and leaders including: the Office of the President, Palau Conservation Society, Palau Visitors’ Authority, elected and traditional leaders, and government ministries including the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education. The Palau Pledge has been devised to make visitors and residents alike aware of the impact of their actions and show them they have an important role to play in protecting the environment and culture of this incredible country for future generations.

Q: How long did it take to create the Palau Pledge?

It has taken more than 18 months from when the idea of the Palau Pledge was first conceived, to today. In that time, we have made changes to the immigration process, while residents and tourism operators have been educated on the changes and resources that have been created to show visitors how they can play their part in protecting Palau.

Palau Conservation Society in partnership with the Ministry of Education is currently training school principals and science teachers on the concepts of the Palau Pledge to introduce it to Palau’s children via the school curriculum.

Q: Why now?

Palau has seen continued growth in tourism, particularly in the last three years. If action is not taken now, it will get to the point where it is too late to protect some of the most unique parts of the country, such as the stunning UNESCO World Heritage listed Rock Islands or the treasured Jellyfish Lake.

Q: Why Palau?

Palau has a proud history of conservation – in 2015 it created The Palau National Marine Sanctuary to restrict fishing and preserve the ocean for future generations. The 500,000 square kilometre sanctuary is now the largest fully-protected, no-take zone in the world – the equivalent size of France! Palau also created the world’s first shark sanctuary in 2009 with Palau leading the way in the Pacific to create a
network of marine protected areas that will ensure one of the world’s most pristine marine ecosystems is preserved.
While Palau is a small island nation, its efforts to mitigate the cumulative effects of mass tourism can be seen on a global scale. By taking steps to sustainably manage and educate its tourist population, Palau hopes other countries will also take action to protect their most valuable natural and cultural resources.

Q: How long will the Palau Pledge be in place?

The Palau Pledge will remain an immigration requirement for entry into Palau ongoing. It will be stamped into the pages of all visitors’ passports before they come into the country as a reminder of their role in helping us look after our country’s environment and local traditions.

Q: What happens if I don’t sign the Palau Pledge?

As with any entry process, all visitors seeking to enter Palau will be required to sign the Palau Pledge as a sign that they will respect Palau, Palauans and the fragile ecosystem.

Q: What is the Palau Legacy Project?

The Palau Legacy Project was created to protect Palau’s pristine paradise from erosion and degradation caused by tourism and human impact. It was founded by a team of passionate, local volunteers with business and marketing backgrounds who saw a gap between Palau’s conservation culture and laws and the behaviour of visitors to the country. The Palau Pledge campaign was designed to bridge that gap and inspire behavioural change.
The project aims to communicate with all visitors in an accessible, engaging, positive way to help them understand the vital role they play in protecting Palau for the next generation and beyond. Ultimately, it aims to ensure that the children of Palau have a home and a future to pass onto their children one day.

The Palau Legacy Project is a direct outcome of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary which protects Palau’s oceans and wildlife for the good of Palau’s people and the rest of the world.

Q: How is the Palau Pledge initiative being funded?

Host/Havas has undertaken to create the Palau Pledge as a pro-bono project – all time spent on the creation of the project and collateral is FOC.

To cover the hard costs of the campaign the Palau Legacy Project has received funding via its affiliated NGO, Friends of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary, from the following partners: the Republic of Palau, PEW Charitable Trusts, The Oak Foundation, Palau Visitors’ Authority, Ocean Sanctuary Alliance, Canada small grants fund and local private sector.
Long-term the Palau Pledge will be institutionalized by Palau Visitors’ Authority, the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education and other government ministries, in addition to local NGOs and conservation groups. Funds for the upkeep of the campaign will be allocated via these organisations’ annual budgets.








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