
 紐西蘭保育署(Department of Conservation)在2021年2月出版《遺產與遊客管理策略》(Heritage and Visitor Strategy),目的在指引該署工作,以環境永續原則管理遊客,來保護和提高紐西蘭自然、文化和歷史遺產的價值。

DOC’s Heritage and Visitor Strategy guides our work to sustainably manage visitors to protect and enhance the values of New Zealand’s natural, cultural and historic heritage.


It is designed for everyday use by DOC staff. It will help inform visitor and heritage management decisions across the country, including our work with iwi, hapū and whanau, stakeholders and across government, in line with the New Zealand-Aotearoa Government Tourism Strategy. 


The three goals of the Strategy are:




1.Protect: New Zealand’s natural, cultural and historic resources are preserved and protected to maintain cultural and historic values, biodiversity, ecosystem health, landscapes and natural quiet.

2.Connect: Visitors are enriched and better connected to New Zealand’s natural, cultural and historic heritage.

3.Thrive: Tangata whenua, regions and communities benefit from protecting, and connecting visitors with, their natural, cultural and historic heritage.

這些目標是有層次結構的。 由保育署管理的旅遊地的自然、文化和歷史遺產先得到保護, 遊客到訪可以體驗並與這些地方有所連結。 這種保護和深化的訪客連結將有助於支持改善在地福祉,使社區蓬勃發展。

These goals have a hierarchy. The natural, cultural and historic heritage of places managed by DOC needs to be protected first. Visitors can then experience and connect with these places. This protection and enhanced visitor connection will help support improved wellbeing, enabling communities to thrive. 





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