


世界旅遊及旅行理事會(World Travel & Tourism Council, WTTC)協同彭博媒體集團於2019年1月出版《世界已經轉變—旅遊業的大趨勢及其意涵》(WORLD, TRANSFORMED: MEGATRENDS AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR TRAVEL & TOURISM)報告,前言說:



The world is transforming. The scale, scope, and complexity of change is unlike anything humanity has experienced before, shaking the foundations that society has accepted as the norm. These converging forces or megatrends present immense opportunities for those who recognise them and adapt their strategies.



Travel & Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors, accounting for more than 10% of global GDP in 2017. Sustaining its growth and hitting industry forecasts, such as 1.8 billion international arrivals by 2030, will require the continuous innovation and reinvention across the sector. Leaders will need to foster a nimble outlook that can respond to new customer demands and expectations, the next revolution in data capabilities, and heightened business risks.



Our examination of five transformative, interlinked megatrends offers a guide to developing such strategies. 


世界旅遊及旅行理事會執行長GLORIA GUEVARA說:我們生活在一個快速變化的時代。匯聚的強大力量正從根本上改變我們的生活與工作方式,並與世界各地產生互動。也因為這樣,又推動了新的商業需求,而對旅遊業而言,更是獨一無二的機遇和挑戰。公司、客戶和員工都會受到這些轉變的影響。在過去的一年裡(編按:指2018年),替選住宿市場增長30%(傳統在線訂房服務則只增長9%),該產業已經看到了非常規化的商業模式正持續加速進行中。

We live in an era of rapidly accelerating change. Powerful forces are converging to fundamentally alter ways of living, working and interacting all around the world.

That, in turn, is driving new imperatives for business – and unique opportunities and challenges for the Travel & Tourism sector. Companies, customers and employees alike will be affected by these transformations. Over the past year, the sector has seen unconventional business models continue to accelerate, with the alternative accommodations market growing at 30% (compared to 9% growth of traditional online booking services).— GLORIA GUEVARA / President & Chief Executive Officer / World Travel & Tourism Council









Todays experience-driven world is fuelled by a desire for personal enrichment, self-direction, and community.

As people, communities and businesses become more sophisticated about the ways technologies can work in concert with human nature and analogue experiences; new ideas and beliefs are emerging about how best to live a connected life. Online and offline experiences are becoming increasingly integrated, from shopping to socialising to consuming media. With experiences at the core of Travel & Tourism, the sector has the potential to design meaningful, unique, frictionless and even unplugged journeys that directly respond to these changing values. 



「零工經濟」和「共用經濟」等科技驅動型經濟型態的增長繼續重新定義各種關係,瓦解各行各業並創造對工作、生活和文化的新期望。 流動性,自主性和社會參與度都在提升。 這可以從工作與休閒之間的傳統界限崩解以及希望掌握所有權的價值取向的增加而看出。 隨著新的經濟和生活方式趨勢的加劇,旅遊業將迎來新增的機遇,並面對新的期待。 

(註):我不同意「Sharing economy」翻譯中文為「共享經濟」,因為「分享」、「共享」在中文是善意且幾乎不求報酬的給予,但時下「Sharing economy」只是一種「一物多人用,一物多人PAY」的商業模式,與中文「分享」原意差距甚大,所以我翻譯成「共用經濟」。



The gig and sharing economies are redefining relationships, disrupting industries and creating new expectations for work and life.

The growth of tech-powered economies such as the “gig economy” and “sharing economy” continues to redefine relationships, disrupt industries and create new expectations for work, life, and culture. Fluidity, autonomy, and social engagement are ascendant. This can be seen in the breakdown of traditional boundaries between work and leisure, and the growing value placed on access in preference to ownership. As new economic and lifestyle trends intensify, the Travel & Tourism sector will see the growth of new opportunities – and face new expectations.





物聯網(IoT)和機器學習將提供前所未有更好地理解和預測結果的能力,成為新的應用、策略和業務計劃的關鍵。 這些技術為旅遊業提供了巨大的機會,可以提供連結、客制化和整合的客戶體驗。 但更重要的是,這些都需要信任和負起責任。 消費者可以透過智能設備收集數據、接觸資訊來增強能力—但也讓消費者在安全、保密和隱私方面愈來愈感到不安。 


Data, through the Internet of Things and machine learning, has become a driving force of the economy- enabling unprecedented personalisation and connectivity.

The Internet of Things (IoT) and machine learning will deliver unprecedented ability to better understand and predict outcomes, becoming the lynchpin of new applications, strategies and business plans. These technologies offer tremendous opportunities for the Travel & Tourism sector to provide connected, personalised and integrated customer experiences. Crucially, though, trust and accountability are also required. Data collection via smart devices enables consumer empowerment through access to information but it also increasingly makes consumers uneasy when it comes to their safety, security and privacy. 



趨勢四:重新分配的權力 (詳細說明在報告第12頁)




Power and demographic shifts from West to East and nations to cities are redefining centers of influence and reshaping global markets, while individuals increasingly mobilise and demand accountability.

The coming decades will be marked by changing power dynamics resulting in the emergence of new centres of influence. A geographical shift toward the East and South, a growing, predominantly Asian middle class, and increasing urbanisation will have dramatic effects on global markets. This power revolution will require the sector to keep up with the demands of the most sought-after consumers, and may also compel them to address the repercussions of these shifts in todays hyper-connected world. There is significant potential for Travel & tourism organisations to embrace new opportunities, but they will also need to deeply understand and develop a point of view on social issues to shape their own future.


趨勢五:重新設想消費模式 (詳細說明在報告第15頁)




As a response to escalating environment risks, consumer awareness has translated into more ethical and resource-efficient lifestyles and which are driving the decision-making of younger generations.

As the availability of resources and health of our planet are increasingly threatened, there is a need for responsibly balancing short and long-term priorities. The durability of existing business models are called into question, with the private sector facing increased scrutiny and pressure to act. In this context, sustainable business practices can become the core of a robust growth strategy for the Travel & Tourism sector, one that makes safeguarding destinations, environmental leadership and community health integral to the customer experience.








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