

自1980年起,至今39年來,聯合國世界旅遊組織( World Tourism Organization, UNWTO)在每年的9月27日「世界旅遊日」(World Tourism Day),都提出一個倡議主題,藉以提醒並促進大眾認識觀光旅遊在社會、文化、政治及經濟等層面的重要影響力。今(2019)年的世界旅遊日主題是「旅遊與工作:為所有人共築美好未來」(Tourism and Jobs: a better future for all),強調旅遊業是世界主要的產業之一,創造無數可貴的工作機會,也符合聯合國2030年永續發展的第八項「就業與經濟成長」目標,同時也要善用新科技為旅遊業創造更大契機。

(編按:我個人偏向將「Tourism and Jobs」翻譯成「旅遊與就業」,比較符合今年議題主旨,免得一般人看到「工作」,想到的是「旅遊」跟「辛苦工作」的比較,不過聯合國世界旅遊組織官方網站的翻譯既然用「旅遊與工作」,我只好遵循。




Tourism: A Key Sector in the World
Over the past six decades, tourism has experienced continued expansion and diversification, and it has become one of the fastest growing and most important economic sectors in the world, benefiting destinations and communities worldwide. International tourist arrivals worldwide have grown from 25 million in 1950 to nearly 1.3 billion today. Similarly, international tourism revenues earned by destinations around the world have grown from 2 billion US dollars in 1950 to 1260 trillion in 2015. The sector represents an estimated 10% of the world’s GDP and 1 in 10 jobs globally.

以下就世界旅遊組織「2019世界旅遊日」(World Tourism Day 2019)網站對這次主題闡述的內容,摘譯幾個重點,請參考。(如有翻譯錯誤敬請不吝指正)


  • 旅遊業在創造就業機會的功用常被低估,其實旅遊業創造了世界10%的工作崗位,並因其創造合宜工作的潛力而符合聯合國永續發展目標的第8項目標。
  • 必須制定新政策,以最大幅度發揮旅遊業創造更多、更好工作機會的潛力,尤其是對婦女和青年而言。我們也需要新的政策來反映和搭配不斷進步的技術。
  • 政策和行動應著眼於解決目前所傳授的旅遊業技能跟旅遊業雇主需求之間存在落差的問題。
  • 這就需要為旅遊業的未來採取整體性的方針,並加強包括公私部門在內的各方之間的合作。 
  • Tourism’s role in job creation is often undervalued. This is despite the fact that tourism generates 10% of world jobs and is included in Sustainable Development Goal 8 for its potential to create decent work.
  • New policies are needed to maximize tourism’s potential to create more and better jobs, especially for women and youth. New policies are also needed to reflect and incorporate ongoing advances in technology.
  • Policies and actions should be geared towards addressing the current mismatch between tourism skills that are taught and those that tourism employers need.
  • This requires a holistic approach to the future of work in tourism, with heightened cooperation between all actors, including the public and private sectors.









  • 增加人們能力的投資
  • 增加對工作機構的投資
  • 增加對合宜和永續工作的投資 

旅遊業是一個以人為本的領導產業,其成長速度超越了世界經濟成長和國際貿易。 它是全球主要的出口類別之一,對勞動力的影響很大,是國際勞工組織以人為中心的未來工作議程的當然盟友。

The future of work

Creating and ensuring equitable employment is essential to increasing social inclusion, peace and security. The potential of every economic sector to provide decent jobs should be utilized to its fullest.

The emergence of new technologies has led to the development of new forms of work that are rapidly changing production processes worldwide. This both provides opportunities for, and puts pressure, on existing employment, welfare and education agendas.

According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), global unemployment remains high, reaching more than 190 million in 2018. All sectors and countries, therefore, need to create the conditions for more and better jobs. Embracing new technology can play a key role in achieving this goal.

Making the new wave of technological breakthroughs as inclusive as possible will require considerable investment in training and skills for life and work. Everyone should have a chance to develop their full potential so as to benefit from the new technological era.

To do this we need to examine the impact of technological change on socioeconomic growth, jobs and inequality. We also need to provide tools and skills to those who are looking for a job and as well as to those whose jobs are at risk of automation.

On the occasion of its centenary in 2019, the ILO released ‘Work for a Brighter Future: Report of the Global Commission on the future of Work’. This landmark report takes note of the forces transforming the world – technology, climate change, demography, globalization – to call for a human-centered agenda for the future of work.

By placing people and the work they do at the centre of economic and social policy and business practice, the path towards growth, equity and sustainability consists of three pillars of action:

  • Increase investment in people’s capabilities
  • Increase investment in the institutions of work
  • Increase investment in decent and sustainable work

Tourism is a leading people-to-people sector, with growth rates outpacing world economic growth and international trade. It is one of the main global export categories and with such a high impact on human workforce, it serves as a natural ally of ILO’s human-centered agenda for the future of work.


全球化、技術進步和人口變化重新定義了旅遊業及其運作方式的趨勢。 如今,我們處在高度聯繫、高度訊息化的世界核心,是個數位革命的市場,並對旅遊業工作技能與特色有更多的需求。 近年來,出現了數位化突破性的發展,包括新的旅遊服務平台(所謂的共享或協作經濟),大數據和地理定位。


  • 需要檢視和更新有關支持就業、創新、企業家精神和新商業模式的過時法令和規則
  • 對新技術和發展趨勢缺乏認知與專業知識
  • 缺乏對當前和未來工作新技術和培訓的投資
  • 利益相關者之間缺乏合作與溝通

Tourism jobs and the digital revolution – the main challenges

Globalization, technological progress and demographic change are trends that, together, have redefined the tourism sector and how it functions. At the heart of our now hyper-connected, hyper-informed world is a digital-led revolution in markets, as well as in the demand for skills and the characteristics of tourism jobs. Recent years have seen the emergence of digital breakthroughs, including new platform tourism services (the so-called sharing or collaborative economy), big data and geo-localization.

Some of the main issues the tourism sector faces in adapting its workforce to the technological revolution are:

  • The need to review and update outdated legislation and regulation that supports employment, innovation, entrepreneurship and new business models
  • The low level of awareness and expertise of new technologies and technological trends
  • A lack of funding to invest in new technologies and training for the jobs needed for the present and future
  • The lack of cooperation and communication among relevant stakeholders





婦女在旅遊創業中發揮領導作用。 聯合國世界旅遊組織 / 聯合國婦女署的研究顯示,全球酒店和餐廳的女企業家比例(36%)相對高於所有產業的總和(22%)。









Promoting jobs for all in tourism – youth, women and rural communities

The tourism sector employs more women and young people than most other sectors.

Just under half (47%) of people working in tourism in European OECD countries are between 15 and 34 years of age, compared to a third (32%) of workers in the economy as a whole.

In OECD countries, women account for 60% of employment in the tourism sector. This is higher than the share of women employed in the services sector (47%) and in the economy as a whole (43%).

Women play a leading role in tourism entrepreneurship. UNWTO/UNWomen research shows that the global rate of women entrepreneurs in ‘hotels and restaurants’ (36%) is comparatively higher than in all sectors combined (22%).

Furthermore, tourism creates jobs in rural and remote areas, not only directly but also indirectly through the preservation and restoration of traditional activities. Often it is one of the few viable economic sectors in these areas.

The explicit mention of tourism in Goal 8, target 8.9 of the SDGs recognizes its transformational potential on livelihoods and prosperity in rural communities, both through providing access to decent employment and through reviving traditional local industries.

By providing opportunities for women, youth and rural communities in a variety of roles, tourism contributes to several SDG target areas surrounding empowerment of vulnerable groups and more equal and inclusive societies. More inclusion strengthens tourism’s power to unite people across cultures in a celebration of diversity, increasing overall social resilience.

Despite these benefits tourism provides, it must also address serious challenges surrounding employment for all of these groups.

One is a large gender pay gap. In tourism, women are on average paid 20-25% less than male workers for comparable skills. Women are often over-represented in non-standard forms of employment. Women also suffer segregation in terms of access to education and training.

Low-skilled women often find themselves in the most vulnerable jobs, at risk of poor working conditions, inequality of opportunity and treatment, violence, exploitation, stress and sexual harassment.

Temporary and part-time jobs are particularly common among women, young people, and the less-skilled who are employed in tourism. They can often lead to decent work deficits, including inadequate social security coverage, low wages and income inequality, and poor working conditions.

The tourism sector’s variable demand cycle, with irregular working hours and unpredictable shifts, poses additional challenges for those (of any gender) trying to reconcile work and family responsibilities. At the same time, however, this flexibility may also provide opportunities to individuals wanting to combine a job in tourism with another occupation. 





Overtourism 超限旅遊






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