

無障礙旅遊倡議之標誌Tourism for All-UNWTO-20160927.jpg - 日誌用相簿


自1980年起,過去26年來,聯合國世界旅遊組織( World Tourism OrganizationUNWTO)在每年的9月27日「世界旅遊日」(World Tourism Day),都提出一個倡議主題,藉以提醒並促進大眾認識觀光旅遊在社會、文化、政治及經濟等層面的重要影響力。今(2016)年的世界旅遊日主題是「人人旅遊:促進全面無障礙旅遊」(Tourism for All – promoting universal accessibility),為的是希望全球旅遊業除了服務活動力正常的遊客外,也能共同努力營造全面無障礙環境,照顧到老人、小孩與身心障礙者旅遊休閒的需求,擴大觀光旅遊服務層面,提升觀光旅遊健康與經濟效益。

今年的世界旅遊大會是在泰國曼谷舉行,除了發表宣言(World Tourism Day Declaration)外,也出版一本《人人旅遊手冊—無障礙旅遊產業鏈實務手冊》 (Good Practices in the Accessible Tourism Supply Chain),都可在該組織網站下載參考。


無障礙旅遊定義Tourism for All-UNWTO-20160927.jpg - 日誌用相簿聯合國世界旅遊組織對「全面無障礙旅遊」(Tourism for All)的定義為:提供產品與服務讓身心障礙者、遊客、在地居民、帶小孩或長者的家庭以及所有人都可以平等享受旅遊的樂趣。




  • 2015年,全球遊客量增長4.6%,達11.84億人次
  • 2015年,全球旅遊業出口創匯1.5萬億美元
  • 2016年,全球遊客量將增長 3.5% 4.5%
  • 2030年,全球遊客量將達到18億人次




World Tourism Day 2016

“Tourism for All: Promoting Universal Accessibility”





The Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Thailand, authorities of the Member States of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), representatives of the tourism sector, disabled people’s organizations and related civil society bodies, international organizations, and media outlets met in Bangkok, Thailand, on 26/27 September 2016 on the occasion of the World Tourism Day to celebrate the theme “Tourism for All: Promoting Universal Accessibility”;


回顧2030年永續發展議程和其目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),其中第48101117項皆與身心障礙議題有關,而目標81214則涵蓋了旅遊業; 

Recalling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in which disability is referenced in Goals 4, 8, 10, 11 and 17 and in which tourism is included specifically in Goals 8, 12 and 14;



Considering the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 2006 as the global action framework in the sphere of universal accessibility, whose Article 30 recognizes the legitimate right of access to sports, cultural, leisure and tourism activities by persons with disabilities;



Whereas the mandate of the UNWTO is “the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism”;



Inspired by the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly in 1999, and acknowledged by the United Nations General Assembly in 2001, whose Article 7 underlines that “…a direct and personal access to the discovery and enjoyment of the planet’s resources constitutes a right equally open to all the world’s inhabitants” and explicitly recommends that “tourism for persons with disabilities should be encouraged and facilitated”;



Referring to the Recommendations on Accessible Tourism for All and the Recommendations on Accessible Information in Tourism, adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly at its 20th and 21st sessions as reference documents for tourism stakeholders for making their infrastructure, products and services accessible to all people;


考慮以聯合國世界旅遊組織與民間社團及私部門組織共同製作的「人人旅遊手冊」作為旅遊景點相關技術知識的來源—以上所提及的私部門組織為ONEC (Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles, National Organization for the Spanish Blind) 基金會,歐洲無障礙旅遊網絡(ENAT)和ACS基金會; 

Considering the UNWTO Manuals on Accessible Tourism for All co-produced with civil society and private sector organizations – the ONCE Foundation, the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT) and the ACS Foundation, as a source of technical knowhow for destinations;



Recognizing the wide scope of the multi-stakeholder recommendations emanating from the Declaration from the World Summit Destinations for All, held in Montreal, Canada, in October 2014;



Taking into account the Bangkok Recommendations on Accessible Tourism of 2007 and Takayama Declaration on the Development of Communities-for-All in Asia and the Pacific, adopted in 2009;



Commending the efforts of the Government of Thailand, the tourism sector and civil society stakeholders in making tourism destinations across the country ever more accessible;








1.     深信採取實現人人旅遊的措施,不僅有利於身心障礙者和特定目的需求者,也會利及所有人,同時也帶動旅遊景點和企業的主要社會經濟機會; 

1. Convinced that measures implemented to bring about Tourism for All benefit not only persons with disabilities and specific access requirements but all people, while entailing major socio-economic opportunities for tourism destinations and businesses;


2.     瞭解旅遊業已逐步改善全面無障礙環境,但身心障礙者在跨國旅行方面仍面臨許多嚴重且持續的挑戰; 

2. Conscious of the gradual improvements regarding universal accessibility in tourism, but also of many serious and enduring challenges that people with disabilities across the globe are still facing;


3.     銘記堅實的政策框架和戰略行動是很重要的,其可讓所有人完整探訪和享受旅遊景點與活動的心願成真; 

3. Mindful of the importance of solid policy frameworks and strategic actions in making full access to and enjoyment of tourism destinations and activities by all truly possible;


4.     意識到要提供充分的無障礙旅遊設施、服務和產品信息所面臨的挑戰,但那也是滿足多樣化遊客需求的機會; 

4. Aware of the challenges in providing adequate information on the accessibility of tourism facilities, services and products, and the opportunities for promoting those that actually meet the needs of a greater diversity of customers;


5.     致力於維繫立法者、當地主管機關、私部門、身心障礙者組織和在地社區之間多方權益關係者的夥伴關係,以實現旅遊景點全面無障礙; 

5. Committed to multi-stakeholder partnerships between the policy makers, local authorities, the private sector, disabled people’s organizations and local communities in making tourism destinations accessible for all;





1.     確保全民均能享受旅遊的權利,同時政府和企業均應承諾以具體作為促進全面無障礙環境; 

1. To ensure that the right to enjoy tourism by all becomes a reality and that the commitment of governments and companies to improve access for all is sustained by concrete actions;


2.     推動喚起意識和訓練的活動,從而減少單位間在實質作為和態度上的障礙,並能真正獲得投資於人人旅遊上的競爭利益; 

2. To engage in awareness-raising and training so as to reduce both physical and attitudinal barriers within the sector and to be able to embrace the undoubted competitive advantages of investing in Tourism for All;


3.     當要開發新的旅遊基礎設施,產品、服務及改善現況時,應落實通用設計以及為人人設計的原則; 

3. To implement the principles of Universal Design/Design for All when developing new tourism infrastructure, products and services and improving the existing ones;


4.     促進所有產品和服務中關於無障礙部分的目標和準確資訊能更加完善,藉由這樣的協助,不論旅行者的自身需求能否在整個旅程中得到滿足,他們都能精確地獲取這些資訊。 

4. To promote the provision of objective and accurate information on the accessibility of all products and services, and in accessible formats, with the aim to enable travelers to accurately assess whether their own needs will be met during the whole travel process;


5.     讓無障礙旅遊政策成為主流並遍及旅遊供應鏈,以確保沒有無效連結,以及每個人都可以充分享受無縫接軌的旅遊體驗;同時 

5. To mainstream accessibility in tourism policy and throughout the tourism supply chain with the aim to ensure that there are no broken links and that everyone can fully enjoy a seamless tourism experience; and


6.     鼓勵多方權益關係者在各個層面彼此合作,讓一致和最新的政策與企業作為能在無障礙旅遊的範疇中持續發展。 

6. To encourage multi-stakeholder cooperation at all levels that enables development of consistent and up-to-date policies and business practices in the sphere of accessible tourism. 








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