
2008年10月6日,在巴塞隆納舉辦的國際保育聯盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN)的「世界自然保育大會(World Conservation Congress)」上, 聯合國基金會(United Nations Foundation) 的創辦人暨主席Ted Turner,與雨林聯盟(Rainforest Alliance)、聯合國環境規劃署(United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP)和聯合國世界旅遊組織(the United Nations World Tourism Organization, UNWTO)等四個組織,籌組由 27 個非政府組織和商業組織組成了「全球永續旅遊準則夥伴關係(Partnership for Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria)」,後來改稱「全球永續旅遊委員會」(我之前譯為「全球永續旅遊聯盟」,現依該組織官方中文名稱)(Global Sustainable Tourism Council, GSTC),並發表了 「全球永續旅遊準則(Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria) 」,分為旅遊地( GSTC Destination Criteria)與產業(GSTC Industry Criteria)二種,其中產業類別再分為旅宿業(hotels)及旅遊業者(tour operators)二種。




永續(可持續)旅遊(Sustainable Tourism) 是從永續發展(Sustainable Development)的概念引伸出來的旅遊業發展原則和理念,是永續思想與旅遊業的有機結合,適用於所有能夠在長期發展過程中與自然、社會、文化環境和諧共存與協調發展的旅遊形式。(鍾林生等,2003,生態旅遊規劃原理與方法,北京化學工業出版社,P8-9)


而聯合國於2016年1月1日啟動的永續發展目標議程(Agenda 30)中有2030永續新禧年17項永續發展目標Sustainable Development Goals, 簡稱SDGs),依著要達到這些目標而採取的策略與行動應該就是永續旅遊要遵守及實踐的。


因此,全球永續旅遊委員會在日前發布全球永續旅遊準則-旅遊地篇與17項永續發展目標之對應(corresponding SDGs to GSTC Destination Criteria),讓業者清楚知道履行這些準則也能促進永續發展目標的達成。



Global Sustainable Tourism Council

Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria

for Destinations (GSTCD)


version 1.0 1 November 2013

1.0 版   2013 11 1


Translated by: The Globe Ecotourism Training Centre

翻譯本: 環球生態旅遊培訓中心 www.getcentre.cn



序 言














l  為致力於永續發展的旅遊目的地提供基本指南;

l  幫助消費者識別名實相副的永續旅遊目的地;

l  成為資訊媒體識別永續旅遊目的地並向公眾推廣的共同基準;

l  為認證以及目的地相關項目提供參考依據,使其符合永續旅遊的基本原則與要求;

l  為政府部門、非政府組織、旅遊業者提供永續旅遊發展的基本框架;

l  作為旅遊院校等機構教育培訓的基本指導方針。







Sustainable tourism is on the rise: consumer demand is growing, travel industry suppliers are developing new green programs, governments and international agencies are creating new policies to encourage sustainable practices in tourism. But what does sustainable tourismreally mean? How can it be measured and credibly demonstrated, in order to build consumer confidence, promote business prosperity, foster community benefits, and fight false claims?

The Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria are an effort to come to a common understanding of sustainable destinations, and are the minimum undertakings that any tourism management organization which wishes to be sustainable should aspire to reach. To satisfy the definition of sustainable tourism, destinations must take an interdisciplinary, holistic and integrative approach which includes four main objectives: to (i) demonstrate sustainable destination management; (ii) maximize social and economic benefits for the host community and minimize negative impacts; (iii) maximize benefits to communities, visitors and cultural heritage and minimize impacts; and (iv) maximize benefits to the environment and minimize negative impacts. The criteria are designed to be used by all types and scales of destinations.

The criteria are part of the response of the tourism community to the global challenges of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Poverty alleviation, gender equity and

environmental sustainability, including climate change, are the main crosscutting issues that are addressed through the criteria.

The criteria and indicators were developed based on already recognized criteria and approaches including, for example, the UNWTO destination level indicators, GSTC Criteria for Hotels and

Tour Operators, and other widely accepted principles and guidelines, certification criteria and indicators. They reflect certification standards, indicators, criteria, and best practices from

different cultural and geopolitical contexts around the world in tourism and other sectors where applicable. Potential indicators were screened for relevance and practicality, as well as their applicability to a broad range of destination types.

The Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria are administered by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.

Some of the expected uses of the criteria by tourism management organizations include the following:

Serve as basic guidelines for destinations which wish to become more sustainable;

Help consumers identify sound sustainable tourism destinations;

Serve as a common denominator for information media to recognize destinations and inform the public regarding their sustainability;

Help certification and other voluntary destination level programs ensure that their standards meet a broadlyaccepted baseline;

Offer governmental, nongovernmental, and private sector programs a starting point for developing sustainable tourism requirements; and

Serve as basic guidelines for education and training bodies, such as hotel schools and universities.

The criteria indicate what should be done, not how to do it or whether the goal has been achieved. This role is fulfilled by performance indicators, associated educational materials, and

access to tools for implementation from public, NGO and private sector providers all of which are an indispensable complement to the Destination Level Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria.

The Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for Destinations were conceived as the beginning of a process to make sustainability the standard practice in all forms of tourism.


應 用






It is recommended that all criteria be applied to the greatest extent practical, unless for a specific situation the criterion is not applicable and justification is provided. There may be circumstances in which a criterion is not applicable to a specific tourism destination or destination management organization, given the local regulatory, environmental, social, economic or cultural conditions. In the case of smaller destinations and communities, it is recognized that limited resources may prevent comprehensive application of all criteria.

Because destinations are comprised by many different enterprises, organizations and individuals, the application of these criteria should include thorough consideration of the cumulative effects

of activities. Measurement at the destination scale will usually capture the net result of cumulative effects at the individual scale. However monitoring of impacts is not an end in itself; it should be viewed as a tool for improving the sustainability of the destination.

Further guidance on these criteria may be found from the supporting indicators and glossary, which will be published by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.



Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for Destinations


A. 目的地永續營運管理



A-1 目的地永續發展策略.


A1. Sustainable Destination Strategy

The destination has established and is implementing a multi-year destination strategy that is publicly available, is suited to its scale, that considers environmental, economic, social, cultural, quality, health, and safety, and aesthetic issues, and was developed with public participation.

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A-2 目的地管理組織.


A2. Destination management organization

The destination has an effective organization, department, group, or committee responsible for a coordinated approach to sustainable tourism, with involvement by the private sector and public sector. This group is suited to the size and scale of the destination, and has defined responsibilities, oversight, and implementation capability for the management of environmental, economic, social, and cultural issues. This group’s activities are appropriately funded.

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A-3 監測體系.


A3. Monitoring

The destination has a system to monitor, publicly report, and respond to environmental, economic, social, cultural, tourism, and human rights issues. The monitoring system is reviewed and evaluated periodically.

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A-4 旅遊季節性調控.


A4. Tourism seasonality management

The destination dedicates resources to mitigate seasonal variability of tourism where appropriate, working to balance the needs of the local economy, community, cultures and environment, to identify year-round tourism opportunities.

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A-5 應對氣候變化.


A5. Climate change adaptation

The destination has a system to identify risks and opportunities associated with climate change. This system encourages climate change adaptation strategies for development, siting, design, and management of facilities. The system contributes to the sustainability and resilience of the destination and to public education on climate for both residents and tourists.

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A-6 旅遊資源與景點普查與分類.


A6. Inventory of tourism assets and attractions

The destination has an up-to-date, publicly available inventory and assessment of its tourism assets and attractions, including natural and cultural sites.

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A-7 規劃法規體制


A7. Planning Regulations

The destination has planning guidelines, regulations and/or policies that require environmental, economic, and social impact assessment and integrate sustainable land use, design, construction, and demolition. The guidelines, regulations and/or policies are designed to protect natural and cultural resources, were created with local inputs from the public and a thorough review process, are publicly communicated, and are enforced.

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A-8 滿足不同群體的可進入性


A8. Access for all

Where appropriate, sites and facilities, including those of natural and cultural importance, are accessible to all, including persons with disabilities and others who have specific access requirements. Where such sites and facilities are not immediately accessible, access is afforded through the design and implementation of solutions that take into account both the integrity of the site and such reasonable accommodations for persons with access requirements as can be achieved.

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A-9 所有權的獲得與保障.


A9. Property acquisitions

Laws and regulations regarding property acquisitions exist, are enforced, comply with communal and indigenous rights, ensure public consultation, and do not authorize resettlement without prior informed consent and/or reasonable compensation.

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A-10 遊客滿意度監測.


A10. Visitor satisfaction

The destination has a system to monitor and publicly report visitor satisfaction, and, if necessary, to take action to improve visitor satisfaction.

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A-11 永續發展標準化.


A11. Sustainability standards

The destination has a system to promote sustainability standards for enterprises consistent with the GSTC Criteria. The destination makes publicly available a list of sustainability certified or verified enterprises.

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A-12 安全與安全保障體系.


A12. Safety and security

The destination has a system to monitor, prevent, publicly report, and respond to crime, safety, and health hazards.

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A-13 危機預防與應急管理.


A13. Crisis and emergency management

The destination has a crisis and emergency response plan that is appropriate to the destination. Key elements are communicated to residents, visitors, and enterprises. The plan establishes procedures and provides resources and training for staff, visitors, and residents, and is updated on a regular basis.

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A-14 行銷宣傳.


A14. Promotion

Promotion is accurate with regard to the destination and its products, services, and sustainability claims. The promotional messages treat local communities and tourists authentically and respectfully.

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B. 當地社區經濟利益最大化與負面影響最小化



B-1 經濟效益監測.


B1. Economic monitoring

The direct and indirect economic contribution of tourism to the destination’s economy is monitored and publicly reported at least annually. To the extent feasible, this should include visitor expenditure, revenue per available room, employment and investment data.

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B-2 居民就業機會.


B2. Local career opportunities

The destination’s enterprises provide equal employment, training opportunities, occupational safety, and fair wages for all.

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B-3 公眾參與機制


B3. Public participation

The destination has a system that encourages public participation in destination planning and decision making on an ongoing basis.

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B-4 當地社區民意.


B4. Local community opinion

Local communities’ aspirations, concerns, and satisfaction with destination management are regularly monitored, recorded and publicly reported in a timely manner.

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B-5 當地居民的進入與訪問權利.


B5. Local access

The destination monitors, protects, and when necessary rehabilitates or restores local community access to natural and cultural sites.

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B-6 旅遊意識宣傳與教育.


B6. Tourism awareness and education

The destination provides regular programs to affected communities to enhance their understanding of the opportunities and challenges of tourism, and the importance of sustainability.

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B-7 反對剝削.


B7. Preventing exploitation

The destination has laws and established practices to prevent commercial, sexual, or any other form of exploitation and harassment of anyone, particularly of children, adolescents, women, and minorities. The laws and established practices are publicly communicated.

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B-8 支持社區發展.


B8. Support for community

The destination has a system to enable and encourage enterprises, visitors, and the public to contribute to community and sustainability initiatives.

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B-9 扶持當地企業主與支持公平貿易.


B9. Supporting local entrepreneurs and fair trade

The destination has a system that supports local and small-and medium-sized enterprises, and promotes and develops local sustainable products and fair trade principles that are based on the area’s nature and culture. These may include food and beverages, crafts, performance arts, agricultural products, etc.

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C. 社區特色性保護、遊客體驗、文化傳承效益最大化與負面影響最小化



C-1 旅遊景點保護.


C1. Attraction protection

The destination has a policy and system to evaluate, rehabilitate, and conserve natural and cultural sites, including built heritage (historic and archaeological) and rural and urban scenic views.

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C-2 遊客管理.


C2. Visitor management

The destination has a visitor management system for attraction sites that includes measures to preserve, protect, and enhance natural and cultural assets.

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C-3 遊客行為指南.


C3. Visitor behavior

The destination has published and provided guidelines for proper visitor behavior at sensitive sites. Such guidelines are designed to minimize adverse impacts on sensitive sites and strengthen positive visitor behaviors.

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C-4 文化遺產保護.


C4. Cultural heritage protection

The destination has laws governing the proper sale, trade, display, or gifting of historical and archaeological artefacts.

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C-5 景區景點解說.


C5. Site interpretation

Accurate interpretive information is provided at natural and cultural sites. The information is culturally appropriate, developed with community collaboration, and communicated in languages pertinent to visitors.

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C-6 智慧財產權保護.


C6. Intellectual property

The destination has a system to contribute to the protection and preservation of intellectual property rights of communities and individuals.

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D. 環境效益最大化與負面影響最小化



D-1 環境風險評估與處置.


D1. Environmental risks

The destination has identified environmental risks and has a system in place to address them.

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D-2 環境敏感區的保護.


D2. Protection of sensitive environments

The destination has a system to monitor the environmental impact of tourism, conserve habitats, species, and ecosystems, and prevent the introduction of invasive species.

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D-3 野生物種保護.


D3. Wildlife protection

The destination has a system to ensure compliance with local, national, and international laws and standards for the harvest or capture, display, and sale of wildlife (including plants and animals).

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D-4 溫室氣體減排.


D4. Greenhouse gas emissions

The destination has a system to encourage enterprises to measure, monitor, minimize, publicly report, and mitigate their greenhouse gas emissions from all aspects of their operation (including emissions from service providers).

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D-5 節約能源.


D5. Energy conservation

The destination has a system to encourage enterprises to measure, monitor, reduce, and publicly report energy consumption, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

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D-6 水資源管理.


D6. Water management

The destination has a system to encourage enterprises to measure, monitor, reduce, and publicly report water usage.

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D-7 用水供需保障.


D7. Water security.

The destination has a system to monitor its water resources to ensure that use by enterprises is compatible with the water requirements of the destination community.

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D-8 水質監測.


D8. Water quality

The destination has a system to monitor drinking and recreational water quality using quality standards. The monitoring results are publicly available, and the destination has a system to respond in a timely manner to water quality issues.

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D-9 廢水管理.


D9. Wastewater

The destination has clear and enforced guidelines in place for the siting, maintenance and testing of discharge from septic tanks and wastewater treatment systems, and ensures wastes are properly treated and reused or released safely with minimal adverse effects to the local population and the environment.

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D-10 固體廢棄物減排.


D10. Solid waste reduction

The destination has a system to encourage enterprises to reduce, reuse, and recycle solid waste. Any residual solid waste that is not reused or recycled is disposed of safely and sustainably.

SDGs6-淨水與衛生-縮.jpg - 日誌用相簿SDGs9-工業 創新 基礎建設-縮.jpg - 日誌用相簿SDGs11-永續城市-縮.jpg - 日誌用相簿SDGs12-責任消費與生產-縮.jpg - 日誌用相簿SDGs14-海洋生態-縮.jpg - 日誌用相簿SDGs15-陸地生態-縮.jpg - 日誌用相簿


D-11 噪音與光污染控制.


D11. Light and noise pollution

The destination has guidelines and regulations to minimize light and noise pollution. The destination encourages enterprises to follow these guidelines and regulations.

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D-12 降低交通運輸系統的負面影響.


D12. Low-impact transportation

The destination has a system to increase the use of low-impact transportation, including public transportation and active transportation (e.g., walking and cycling).

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