2018 International Wetland Convention Taipei Declaration on Wetland Conservation
The nation’s wetland conservation policy framework should be built upon the Wetland Conservation Act and the Guiding Principles for National Wetland
Conservation Initiatives, with a mutually-beneficial, doable modus operandi for all parties involved, so that wetlands can be wisely managed as a biologically unique and viable ecosystem in the greater scheme of national land conservation programs. That said, wetlands – as a distinct ecosystem – should be accorded greater protections from the Council of Agriculture, Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior, Water Resources Agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and Environmental Protection Administration.
緣此,本次大會所有與會者共同呼籲,採取下列具體行動 :
We, the participants of the 2018 International Wetland Convention, call for action as follows:
Echoing the spirit of UN 2030 SDGs and the Satoyama Initiative and responding to climate change, it is essential to integrate national spatial planning and wetland conservation to protect features of wetland ecosystems, their hydrology, environment, and surrounding landscape.
Establishing the “Taiwan National Ecological Network”, from upland to lowland, connecting land, rivers, and sea, and following the spirit and approaches of the Satoyama Initiative to extend the effects of wetland conservation; integrating cross-boundary agencies and private sector as well as encouraging local stakeholder engagement; and strengthening the wetland conservation network and promoting the development of a green economy.
Facilitating public-private partnerships by suggesting that the government invite representatives from industry, government, academia, research institutions, and other interested individuals to organize a multidisciplinary consulting platform on wetland conservation policy to improve the integration and coordination of all wetland conservation measures and to establish stakeholder participation mechanism for forming strong public-private partnerships.
Promoting environmentally-friendly agricultural practices that protect farmlands, ponds, water channels, and other wetlands, as well as human health, to create production systems that exist in symbiotic harmony with wetlands and the surrounding environment.
Expanding public involvement through marketing by actively promoting the existing wetland grading system to enhance education and promotion programs on wetlands as well as promoting cooperation with the local industries.
Increasing scientific information in management decisions by facilitating scientific research and monitoring in wetlands based on ecological diversity and ecosystem services; extending the limit of wetland conservation areas to include the surrounding environment and landscape; establishing effective management and wise use plan of wetlands; and minimizing the negative impacts of construction projects.
7.與國際濕地專業組織(如Ramsar Regional Center – East Asia、SWS PCP、WWF、WWT、National Geographic)共同合作,建立合宜機制,持續培訓濕地專業人才。
Working with international professional wetland organizations, such as Ramsar Regional Center – East Asia, SWS PCP, WWF, WWT, and National Geographic to continuously provide wetland professionals with appropriate mechanisms to excel in their work.
Funding environmental education by encouraging all relevant agencies to establish adequate funding and/or budgets that will allow stronger wetland education for all school levels and the general public, while leaving a portion of environmental education funds for other wetland education measures.
Establishing a “Wetland Fund” to protect natural wetlands and to adopt appropriate alternatives to achieve the goal of “no net loss” of wetlands.
10.定期檢討《2018濕地保育臺北宣言》成效,並歡迎與全力支持「2019 Joint Meeting for SWS Asia Chapter & Korean Wetland Society」、「WWF臺北辦事處」及「2024 SWS 世界年會」於臺北之籌辦。
Reviewing regularly the performance of the “2018 Taipei Declaration on Wetland Conservation”. Additionally, welcoming and fully supporting the organization of the “2019 Joint Meeting for SWS Asia Chapter & Korean Wetland Society”, establishing the WWF Taipei Office, and encouraging the 2024 SWS Annual Meeting to be held in Taipei.