

經過澳洲朋友輾轉介紹,終於與大堡礁管理單位「大堡礁海洋公園管理局」(Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority)接上線,寫信問他們一些我的疑惑,希望他們能告知相關管理規定。經過一段很長時間與該單位幾位職員的周旋,終於獲得完整回應,並得到同意我可以翻譯成中文放在網上公布。












回答:昆士蘭海洋保護局」(Maritime Safety Queensland)主管船舶在海上的環保事務,大堡礁海洋管理局則配合提出在大堡礁海域排放廢污水的規定。例如:

  • 如果載運超過16人(含),則儲存廢污水到距離最近礁岩、小島、陸地或水耕設施至少1海里(1.852公里)以上的海域傾倒。
  • 如果載運15人(含)以下,不在泊船碼頭附近或至少距離水耕設施一海里以上,即可將未經處理的廢污水直接抽排至海洋公園海域。
  • 另有排放經過處理的廢污水規定,請參考https://www.gbrmpa.gov.au/corp_site/key_issues/water_quality/vessel_sewage_regs










昆士蘭公園暨野生物管理局也對其他小島設有遊客管制量,例如綠島(Green Island)每天最多2000名遊客,由多家業者分享這數額。


回答:「海洋公園管理局」與「昆士蘭公園暨野生物管理局」聯合負責大堡礁海洋公園及世界遺產的例行管理任務(day-to-day management )(譯按:包含資源保育、遊客教育與服務、資源評估與監測、監管巡視)。


部分業者有加入「千里眼順風耳專案」(Eyes and Ears Program),協助通報意外或違規事件。「海洋公園管理局」與「昆士蘭公園暨野生物管理局」會運用這項資訊加強巡察。






Hi Bird Lai

You recently asked if you could put my response to your questions about ecotourism on the Great Barrier Reef on your blog. The answers are below but they no longer include references to particular operators. It would be okay for this generic information to be on your blog.

To begin with every tourism operator on the Great Barrier Reef must have a Marine Parks permit usually issued jointly from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) and the Queensland Parks and Wildlife (QPW). These have a number of generic permit conditions have and they may also have some specific conditions that relate to just that operation. You are able to look at each permit on the GBRMPA web site provided you know the permit holder’s details.

In addition, the GBRMPA has a range of Responsible Reef Practices that we encourage all operators to follow. These are not compulsory.

The GBRMPA recognises operators who have been certified by Ecotourism Australia at the Ecotourism level or Advanced Ecotourism level as High Standard operators. These operators are acting above and beyond what is required by their permits and other management arrangements.

Here are the the points you raised in your email and my responses:
1. Is feeding fish permitted?
Fish feeding is permitted for most tourism operations. They must only feed a small amount of approved feed at a small number of feeding stations on their trip. Only staff can feed the fish and they must not feed them by hand. The GBRMPA encourages operators to avoid feeding them near people who are in the water. These rules are conditions on their permit but they are also available on the GBRMPA website Onboard – The Tourism Operator’s Handbook on the fish feeding page.

2. How many tourists in Great Barrier Reef a year?

In 2008, around 1,600,000 visitors went out for a full day (greater than 3 hours). If we include people who go on short visits (less than 3 hours such as glass bottom boat tours) this rose to just over 2,000,000. Here is a link to a web page about visitor figures since 1994.

3. What’s the process for dealing with the toilets waste water of the operators in Great Barrier Reef (include resorts in islands) ?
The Queensland Government Department, Maritime Safety Queensland, is primarily responsible for vessel requirements on the water.
The GBRMPA has complementary regulations on the discharge of sewage.

  • If you carry 16 or more people on your boat you will need to store your sewage and may discharge it at least 1 nautical mile seawards from the nearest reef, island, mainland or an aquaculture facility.
  • If you carry 15 or less people on your boat, you may pump out untreated sewage in the Marine Park if you are outside of a boat harbour or marina or more than 1 nautical mile from an aquaculture facility.
  • Other options are available for discharging treated sewage (more details).

Here are the Responsible Reef Practice on waste water.

4. What’s the process for dealing with the garbage of the operators in Great Barrier Reef (include resorts in islands) ?
No one can litter or discharge garbage (including plastics, fishing nets and lines) within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park or on island National Parks or surrounding beaches. Marine Park operators take their garbage back to shore and dispose of it according to their local council laws. The GBRMPA is working with local councils to improve water quality and land management practices and mitigate against climate change. Some ports do not currently provide for recycling.

The GBRMPA also has a Responsible Reef Practice for litter.

5. What is the right way to  deal with the chemical water in the area of GBR?
It is a legal requirement that no-one can
dispose of harmful substances or noxious liquids in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The GBRMPA has a Responsible Reef Practice on chemical use which provides biodegradable alternatives.

6. Do there are carrying capacity rules of the operators in Great Barrier Reef (include resorts in islands) ?
There are some management arrangements to limit the number of vessels in the offshore Cairns, Hinchinbrook and Whitsundays areas (GBRMPA planning areas). These were set by the GBRMPA and QPW through public plan of management processes. These set a maximum number of vessels that can access these areas everyday but does provide for a small number of additional vessels if they book to the planning area.

As for specific passenger numbers, generally, tourism operators apply to carry the number of tourists they want to carry although large numbers may limit the actual locations they are able to visit. This is because there are group size limits for any vessel accessing the reefs in the offshore Cairns, Hinchinbrook and Whitsundays areas. For example, the reefs off Cairns are divided into Intensive Use Locations (above 60 people), High Use Locations (up to 60) and Low Use Locations (up to 15) (link to group size map). Some operators are able to take more than this number if their permit specifically allows for this.

The GBRMPA and QPW also have vessel capacity at some locations where additional access is only available with a booking (for example, Low Isles)

QPW also have some carrying capacities set for islands. For example, Green Island has a maximum of 2000 visitors per day. These numbers are shared by a number of operators.

7.How the authorities monitor the operators in Great Barrier Reef (include resorts in islands) ?
The GBRMPA and QPW are jointly responsible for the day-to-day management of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and World Heritage Area.  As part of this they have staff who patrol the Great Barrier Reef. They work with a range of other organisations such as the Australian Customs Service, the Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol and the Queensland Water Police.

Some tourism operators also help us with compliance by being involved in the ‘Eyes and Ears Program’ by sending in incident reports when they are concerned that someone is breaking the rules. The GBRMPA and QPW are able to use this information to focus their patrols.

8. Where do travelers find interpretive materials or visitor’s behaviour guidelines of marine ecotourism and marine conservation education?
Currently the GBRMPA provides its material for tourists through its website, the GBRMPA and QPW regional offices, at information centres and through marine park operators.










7 則留言

  1. 良力兄考慮的問題更深入,不過因為我英文能力很差,寫一封信問幾個簡單問題就要花上一、二天時間,實在沒能力再問其他更深入的學問,而且澳洲當局也被我煩得受不了了,我不好意再去吵他們。



  2. Bird的問題非常犀利,澳洲的作法部份可以做為借鏡。

    另外,澳洲容許彈性與局部餵食、排放污水等,也許他們現在的作法仍是在生態忍耐的範圍內。但如果可以多問幾個問題的話? 我想問的是:這些餵食及污水的影響,可有長期監測的計畫? 結果為何? 可有對照餵食、不餵食的相關實驗。 一來,數據說話比較有利。一來,我們可以衡量現狀,現行進行一些研究,作為未來的實際執行的參考。 謝!

  3. 真是佩服賴兄求真求實的精神!!老實說,我在澳洲住了四年多 .對於海洋研究的管理辦法很熟 ,但遊憩管理也是邊玩邊看.不過澳洲全民做巡查員的現象,是讓大家守法的成功原因之一.

  4. 赫赫赫、   了得    




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