澳洲生態旅遊協會(Ecotourism Australia)在2022年11月公布,該協會配合澳洲政府觀光局(Tourism Australia)資助推出旅遊業「Strive 4永續發展記分卡」評量機制(Strive 4 Sustainability Scorecard),用意在協助想要投入永續旅遊領域的任何旅遊服務業者(如咖啡店、餐廳、酒吧、啤酒廠、旅遊產品提供者、活動或景點業者、住宿業、會展業、旅遊機構、旅行社、遊客中心、旅遊顧問業等),針對環境影響、社會-經濟影響、文化影響及永續經營管理四大構面進行評估,協助業者了解如何投入,以及投入時機點。分數達到或高於評估項目的50%,就會給予評量結果證明並公布給大眾知道。
Strive 4 Sustainability Scorecard
Launched by Ecotourism Australia in 2022, in partnership with Tourism Australia, the Strive 4 Sustainability Scorecard is a pathway program for any tourism business to start their sustainability journey.
The scorecard measures where a business or tourism operator is at on their sustainability journey at a point in time and assesses the following four pillars of sustainability:
- Environmental impacts
- Socio-economic impacts
- Cultural impacts
- Sustainable management
Any tourism business or operator can be assessed, with the scorecard provided annually by Ecotourism Australia. Such businesses include cafes, restaurants, bars, breweries, tour providers, activity/attraction providers, accommodation providers, events and festivals, tourism organizations, travel agents, visitor centers, and tourism consultants.
Once a sustainability assessment is completed, businesses will receive a scorecard and a detailed report with personalized feedback. A scannable QR code is also embedded on the scorecard for anyone to learn more about the Strive 4 Sustainability program. For those operators that score 50% or higher, a certificate will also be provided that can be displayed publicly to promote their score.
Strive 4永續發展記分卡不是認證計劃,是旅遊業邁向永續發展的途徑和第一步。 此機制是每年度審視旅遊服務業者當下實踐永續發展的表現,以透過計分卡評估的50條最佳實踐標準來衡量投入永續旅遊業務的機會。
The Strive 4 Sustainability Scorecard is not a certification program; it is a pathway and the first step towards a more sustainable future for your business. The scorecard is an annual snapshot of your current sustainability practices in your organization as a chance to benchmark your business by answering 50 of our best-practice criteria.
這項評量機制也可作為申請澳洲生態旅遊協會各項標章認證的前置作業。該協會目前有二大主要標章系統,一是「生態旅遊標章」(ECO Certification),一是「永續旅遊標章」(Sustainable Tourism Certification)。
這項記分卡的有效期限是12個月。 在到期前,澳洲生態旅遊協會鼓勵業者持續努力實踐永續發展,並在下一次記分卡評估中爭取更高的分數。 永續發展是一段旅程,並非目的地。 這項評分機制的目的是讓業者學習如何通過使用記分卡進行監控,逐年改進永續發展工作並獲得評量結果證明。
Your scorecard is valid for 12 months from completion of your criteria. At the end of your 12 months, we encourage you to keep striving for sustainability and to aim for a higher score in your next scorecard assessment. Sustainability is a journey, not a destination. The intention is that you will learn ways to improve your sustainability efforts and therefore credentials year on year by monitoring with the scorecard.
在還沒介紹「Strive 4永續發展記分卡」細節前,我們先瞭解什麼是「永續旅遊」:
聯合國世界旅遊組織 (UNWTO) 將永續旅遊定義為「充分考量目前及未來的經濟、社會與環境影響後,落實遊客、產業、環境與當地的需求。」
The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has defined sustainable tourism as, “tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.” Sustainability principles refer to the environmental, economic and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development, and a suitable balance must be established between these three dimensions to guarantee its long-term sustainability.
聯合國世界旅遊組織 (UNWTO) 的永續旅遊定義
- 實施永續經營管理,有實施計畫與政策指引。
- 合法合規
- 健康與安全/風險管理
- 負責任的行銷
- 顧客滿意度
- 對顧客的永續發展教育
- 對員工的永續發展教育及訓練
- 環境管理計畫
- 綠色供應商政策
- 碳排監測和減少
- 區位和選址
- 高效的建築、施工和景觀設計
- 節能
- 省水
- 減廢與管理
- 綠色運輸
- 對野生物干擾最小化
- 生態保育
- 平等機會和公平待遇
- 反騷擾和反剝削
- 無障礙設施
- 員工培訓與發展
- 社區支持及參與
- 對當地社區的影響
- 在地就業
- 在地採購和支持當地商家
- 承認原住民國家的聲明(澳洲國情適用)
- 諮詢與培訓
- 文化詮釋
- 參觀文化敏感地點
- 保護和展示文化遺產
- 原住民藝術、工藝品和商品
Strive 4 Sustainability Scorecard criteria
Each section assesses a number of criteria:
I: Sustainable management
• Sustainable management, plans and policies
• Legal compliance
• Health and safety/risk management
• Responsible marketing
• Customer satisfaction
• Visitor education on sustainability
• Staff sustainability education and training
II: Environmental impacts
• Environmental Management Plan
• Green supplier policy
• Emissions measurement and reduction
• Location and site selection
• Efficient buildings, construction and landscaping
• Energy conservation
• Water conservation
• Waste minimization and management
• Cleaner transport
• Minimal disturbance to wildlife
• Contribution to conservation
III: Socio-economic impacts
• Equal opportunity and fair treatment
• Anti-harassment and anti-exploitation
• Accessibility
• Staff training and development
• Community support and engagement
• Impact on local communities
• Local employment
• Local purchasing and supporting local businesses
IV: Cultural impacts
• Acknowledgement of Country
• Consultation and training
• Cultural interpretation
• Visitation of culturally sensitive sites
• Protecting and presenting cultural heritage
• Indigenous arts, crafts and goods
Strive 4 Sustainability Scorecard
Strive 4 Sustainability Scorecard Essentials Guide (下載PDF檔)
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