The WMO State of the Global Climate in 2021 – English
2022年5月中旬,聯合國「世界氣象組織」(World Meteorological Organization, WMO) 發布《2021年全球氣候報告》(The State of the Global Climate 2021),嚴重訊息是溫室氣體濃度、海平面上升、海洋暖化和海洋酸化等四項關鍵指標在2021年都創下新高紀錄。並呈現過去7年是有紀錄以來最熱的7年,在在顯示地球已經是個「熱鍋」,但人們似乎還不像「熱鍋上的螞蟻」有危機感,照樣過著耗能、耗水、耗資源、高排碳的生活。
關鍵訊息 Key Messages
2021年的全球平均溫度比1850至1900年工業化前的平均溫度高出約1.11 ± 0.13 °C。由於年初及年末的反聖嬰現象,2021 年與最近幾年比起來較不熱些。但2015至2021這7年是有紀錄以來最熱的7年。
The global mean temperature in 2021 was around 1.11 ± 0.13 °C above the 1850–1900 pre‑industrial average. This is less warm than in some recent years due to the influence of La Niña conditions at the start and end of the year. The most recent seven years, 2015 to 2021, were the seven warmest years on record.
The global mean sea level reached a new record high in 2021, rising an average of 4.5 mm per year over the period 2013–2021.
The Antarctic ozone hole reached a maximum area of 24.8 million km 2 in 2021. This unusually deep and large ozone hole was driven by a strong and stable polar vortex and colder-than-average conditions in the lower stratosphere.
Greenland experienced an exceptional mid-August melt event and the first-ever recorded rainfall at Summit Station, the highest point on the Greenland ice sheet at an altitude of 3,216 m.
Exceptional heatwaves broke records across western North America and the Mediterranean. Death Valley,
California reached 54.4 °C on 9 July, equalling a similar 2020 value as the highest recorded in the world since at least the 1930s, and Syracuse in Sicily reached 48.8 °C.
Hurricane Ida was the most significant of the North Atlantic season, making landfall in Louisiana on 29 August, equalling the strongest landfall on record for the state, with economic losses in the United States estimated at US$ 75 billion.
Deadly and costly flooding induced economic losses of US$ 17.7 billion in Henan province of China, and Western Europe experienced some of its most severe flooding on record in mid‑July. This event was associated with economic losses in Germany exceeding US$ 20 billion.
乾旱影響了世界許多地區,包括加拿大、美國、伊朗、阿富汗、巴基斯坦、土耳其和土庫曼斯坦等地區。 在加拿大,嚴重干旱導致小麥和油菜產量比2020年少了35%–40%;而在美國,科羅拉多河流域的米德湖水位在7月下降到低於滿水位47公尺,是有紀錄以來的最低水位。
Drought affected many parts of the world, including areas in Canada, the United States, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, and Turkmenistan. In Canada, severe drought led to forecast wheat and canola crop production levels being 35%–40% below 2020 levels, while in the United States, the level of Lake Mead on the Colorado River fell in July to 47 m below the full supply level, the lowest level on record.
The compounded effects of conflict, extreme weather events, and economic shocks, further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, undermined decades of progress toward improving food security globally.
Hydro-meteorological hazards continued to contribute to internal displacement. The countries with the highest numbers of displacements recorded as of October 2021 were China (more than 1.4 million), Viet Nam (more than 664,000), and the Philippines (more than 600,000).
溫室氣體: Greenhouse Gases
The atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases reflect a balance between emissions from human activities, sources, and sinks. Increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities are a major driver of climate change.
儘管 COVID-19 疫情讓人類活動稍微頓挫,但實際數據顯示,2021年全球溫室氣體排放量還是持續增加。
Despite setbacks from COVID-19, real-time data indicate that global greenhouse gas emissions continued to increase in 2021.
溫室氣體排放前三名 The Big 3
二氧化碳 (CO2)是最具代表性的溫室氣體,甲烷(CH4)與一氧化二氮(N2O)對氣候變遷影響也很大。
二氧化碳 (CO2)有 418.81ppm,是工業化前的1.5倍。
Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) is the most commonly addressed greenhouse gas, and its atmospheric concentration is measured by parts per million (ppm). Methane (CH 4 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) are also extraordinarily important for the global climate and are measured by parts per billion (ppb).
Carbon dioxide: 418.81ppm = 150% of preindustrial levels
Methane: 1889±2 ppb = 262% of preindustrial levels
Nitrous oxide: 333.2±0.1 ppb = 123% of pre-industrial levels.
Greenhouse Gas Bulletin – October 2021 – English
Atmospheric concentrations of the major greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, continued to increase in 2020 and 2021. The growth rate of all three greenhouse gases in 2020 was above the average for the last decade despite a 5.6% drop in fossil fuel CO2 emissions 2020 due to restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
臭氧 Ozone
Despite the success of the Montreal Protocol, the long lifetime of certain discontinued chemical compounds in the atmosphere means that there is still enough of them to cause complete destruction of the ozone over Antarctica between August and December, creating what is known as the “ozone hole”.
The 2021 hole was larger and deeper than 70% of ozone holes since 1979, reaching a maximum area of 24.8 million km 2 .
全球地表均溫 Global Mean Surface Temperature
溫室氣體濃度上升,全球地表均溫(GMST)也跟著上升。 GMST的測量是結合陸地上(二公尺)的氣溫和(來自各種數據庫的)海洋表面溫度,通常以跟基準期比較後的差異值呈現。
As greenhouse gas concentrations rise, so does global mean surface temperature (GMST). GMST is measured using a combination of air temperature over land, and sea surface temperature in ocean areas typically expressed as an anomaly from a baseline period.
儘管反聖嬰現象降溫條件正在形成,2021年較前幾年不熱些,但過去 7 年(2015-2021)仍然是有紀錄以來最熱的7年。
In 2021, GMST (was 1.11 ± 0.13 °C warmer than the pre-industrial baseline (1850-1900).
Given La Niña cooling conditions, 2021 was cooler than in recent years but the past 7 years are still the warmest on record.
降水 Precipitation
Compared to temperature, precipitation is characterized by higher spatial and temporal variability.
In 2021, large areas with above-normal precipitation were Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, the Maritime Continent, areas of northern South America, and south-eastern North America.
Meanwhile, regions with rainfall deficit included southwest Asia and the Middle East, parts of southern Africa southern South America, and central North America.
海洋熱含量: Ocean Heat Content
2021年,全球海洋0~2000m深度的升溫創歷史新高,比2020年高出14±9 澤焦耳。
Around 90% of the excess energy that accumulates in the earth system due to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, goes into the ocean.
Ocean Heat Content (OHC) is a measure of this heat accumulation in the Earth system. It is measured at various ocean depths, up to 2000m deep.
All data sets agree that ocean warming rates show a particularly strong increase in the past two decades.
In 2021, the 0–2000m depth layer of the global ocean reached a record high, exceeding the 2020 value by 14±9 ZJ.
海平面上升: Sea Level Rise
In 2021, the global mean sea level reached a new record high.
However, sea level does not rise equally everywhere: regional patterns of sea-level change are dominated by local changes in ocean heat content and salinity.
1993-2020區域海平面上升高度與全球海平面平均高度差比較圖 紅色愈深表示上漲愈高(單位:公釐、毫米/年)
海平面上升速率推估以及對人類生活的影響 Credit: NASA Climate Change
海洋酸化 Ocean Acidification
One impact of rising CO2 concentration is ocean acidification. The ocean absorbs around 23% of the annual emissions of anthropogenic CO2 to the atmosphere, helping to alleviate the impacts of climate change but at a high ecological cost to the ocean.
隨著海洋的 pH 值降低,意即酸度增加,它從大氣中吸收二氧化碳的能力也會下降。
CO2 reacts with seawater and increases its acidity. It endangers organisms and ecosystem services, including food security, by endangering fisheries and aquaculture. It also affects coastal protection by weakening coral reefs, which shield the coastline and encourage tourism.
As the pH of the ocean decreases, meaning that its acidity increases, its capacity to absorb CO 2 from the atmosphere also declines.
Global mean ocean pH has been steadily declining to rates not seen for at least the past 26,000 years:
海冰縮減 Sea Ice Extent
Sea ice extent measures areas covered by an ice concentration greater than 15%.
It serves as a useful indicator of climate change particularly given how quickly change occurs in the Arctic and how widespread the repercussions of its cover can be.
北極海冰範圍變化 Arctic Sea Ice
2021年6月至7月初,拉普捷夫海和東格陵蘭海地區的海冰範圍迅速減少。 結果,北極海冰範圍在7月上半創下歷史新低。 9 月份夏季結束最低值則非歷史低點。
Sea-ice extent decreased very rapidly in June and early July 2021 in the Laptev Sea and East Greenland Sea regions. As a result, the Arctic-wide sea-ice extent was record low in the first half of July. The ultimate seasonal minimum in September was above record lows.
43年觀測史的前15名最小範圍紀錄都在2007至2021年的連續15年裡。2021年北極夏季冰域範圍是史上第12低。 Arctic Sea Ice Reaches 2021 Minimum Extent NASA Finds 2021 Arctic Summer Sea Ice 12th-Lowest on Record
The average September minimum extent record shows significant declines since satellites began measuring consistently in 1978. The last 15 years (2007 to 2021) are the lowest 15 minimum extents in the 43-year satellite record.
Explore the levels of maximum and minimum sea ice extent values in the Arctic from 1979-2021. Source: EUMETSAT OSI SAF v2p1 and National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSICD) v3.
南極冰域範圍變化 Antarctic Sea Ice
Sea-ice extent across the Southern Ocean was generally below 1981–2010 mean throughout 2021, with a relatively low February minimum but near-average conditions during the summer melt season.
Antarctic sea ice reached its maximum annual extent of 18.80 million km2 on 30 August 2021. Though close to the average extent, this was the 2nd earliest maximum, with only one other maximum having occurred in August (that of 2016).
Explore the levels of maximum and minimum sea ice extent values in the Antarctic from 1979 to 2021. Source: EUMETSAT OSI SAF v2p1 and National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSICD) v3.
格陵蘭冰蓋範圍變化 Greenland Ice Sheet
2021 marked the 25th year in a row of negative mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet. Temperatures and meltwater runoff were well above normal in late July and August 2021.
On August 14, rain was observed for the first time on record at Summit Station, the highest point on the Ice Sheet.
冰川消融狀況 Glacier Mass Balance
Glaciers, including ice sheets, are distributed across the planet, with concentrations in the high mountain ranges of Asia, and North and South America. As providers of ecosystem services and freshwater supply to millions around the world, the glacial loss has significant and direct impacts on both the global climate and sustainable development.
瑞士阿爾卑斯山脈「斯坦因冰川」,2006(左)對照2015(右)。 Stein Glacier-Switzerland, 2006(left) 2015(right)-James Balog
Based on data from 32 reference glaciers around the world, glaciers in 2021 lost less mass than in recent years. However, there is a clear trend towards an acceleration of mass loss on multi-decadal timescales.
加拿大西部特別嚴重的冰川消融 Exceptional Glacier Mass Loss in Western Canada
An exceptionally warm, dry summer in 2021 exacerbated mass loss for most glaciers in southern British Columbia, Alberta, and the US Pacific Northwest.
In the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Place and Helm glaciers lost more mass during the period 2020-2021 than in any year since measurements began in 1965.
Particulate deposition – including soot and ash – from extensive regional wildfire activity in the summer of 2021, meant that the surfaces of the glaciers were unusually dark in July and August and absorbed more sunlight than usual, contributing to the extreme mass loss.
野火產生的顆粒沉積物(包括煙灰和灰燼)覆蓋在加拿大落磯山脈冰川表面,大地一片灰黑色,吸收更多的陽光熱量,造成冰川消融特別嚴重。(攝影:Ben Pelto)
極端氣候事件 Extreme Events
Rising global temperatures have contributed to more frequent and severe extreme weather events around the world, including cold and heat waves, floods, droughts, wildfires, and storms.
The summer heat wave in western North America took a toll on the region’s mountain glaciers, with exceptional mass losses in the Cascade, southern Coast, and the Rocky Mountains. Mass loss at some glaciers in southwestern British Columbia was the greatest in the instrumental record (1965-2021).
Exceptional heatwaves affected western North America on several occasions during June and July. Lytton, in south-central British Columbia, reached 49.6 °C on 29 June, breaking the previous Canadian national record by 46.6 °C. 569 heat-related deaths were reported in British Columbia alone between 20 June and 29 July. (譯按:延伸訊息「2021/06/30 June ends with exceptional heat」)
Western Europe experienced some of its most severe flooding on record in mid-July. The worst-affected area was western Germany and eastern Belgium, where 100 to 150 mm fell over a wide area on 14-15 July over wet ground. The highest daily rainfall was 162.4 mm at Wipperfürth-Gardenau (Germany). Numerous rivers experienced extreme flooding, with several towns inundated, and there were also several landslides. 179 deaths were reported in Germany and 36 in Belgium, with economic losses in Germany exceeding US$20 billion.
風險與衝擊 Risks & Impacts
對永續發展的衝擊 Impacts on Sustainable Development
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations lead to cascading effects via six of the other key climate indicators that perpetuate warming and contribute to high-impact events, risking the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For example, did you know that changing sea ice in the Arctic can have an effect on extreme events?
糧食安全 Food Security
Following a peak in undernourishment in 2020 (768 million people), projections indicated a decline in global hunger to around 710 million in 2021 (9%). However, as of October 2021, the numbers in many countries were already higher than in 2020.
東非旱情 Drought in East Africa
The 2021 first season harvest along central and southern areas of East Africa has been negatively affected by prolonged droughts, mostly in Kenya where maize outputs have been officially estimated to be 42-70% below average.
反聖嬰現象 La Niña
Extreme weather during the 2020/21 La Niña altered rainfall seasons, disrupting livelihoods and agricultural campaigns across the world.
In the Caribbean, Haiti has been triply hit by earthquakes, irregular rains, and political instability, increasing agricultural damage and significantly worsening food insecurity.
埃洛伊絲氣旋 Cyclone Eloise
Eloise made landfall in Mozambique in late January, during the region’s lean season–when vulnerabilities were at their highest and affected communities still recovering from Cyclone Idai barely two years ago.
More than 441,000 people were affected by the cyclone and more than 45,000 hectares of cropland were destroyed.
乾旱加劇了本已脆弱的環境 Drought exacerbating already fragile contexts
Drought conditions in the Near East reduced cereal production to below-average levels, exacerbating the impacts on agriculture and food security in fragile contexts, mostly in Afghanistan and the Syrian Republic.
中國暴雨 Heavy rain in China
2021年7月中旬,華中地區遭受暴雨襲擊,造成重大生命傷亡和財產損失。 這引發了中國對糧食供應的擔憂,因為100萬公頃的農田(主要是玉米、大豆和花生)受到影響,其中三分之一被夷為平地。
Central China was hit by torrential rains in mid-July 2021, leading to significant loss of life and damage to property. This sparked concerns over the potential impact on the nation’s food supplies, as 1 million hectares of cropland – mostly corn, soybeans, and peanuts –were affected, a third of which were wiped out.
Overall, the compounded effects of conflict, extreme weather events, and economic shocks,
further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, have led to a rise in hunger, undermining
decades of progress towards improving global food security.
流離失所 Displacement
極端氣候事件和結果在2021年對人口流離失所以及對那些可憐無家可歸的人都產生了重大而多樣的影響。 從阿富汗到中美洲,乾旱、洪水和其他極端氣候事件正在打擊那些最沒有能力復原和適應的人。
Extreme weather events and conditions have had major and diverse impacts on population displacement and on the vulnerability of people already displaced throughout the year. From Afghanistan to Central America, droughts, flooding, and other extreme weather events are hitting those least equipped to recover and adapt.
乾旱和洪水 Drought and floods
在東非,特別是索馬利亞和伊索比亞,許多受災最嚴重的人就生活在過度擁擠和不安全的收容營地裡,許多新近因洪水而無家可歸的人也搬到了那裡。 莊稼被沙漠蝗蟲毀壞的農民也被迫遷移以尋求生存援助。
Drought and floods affected agricultural activities in Nigeria, resulting in loss of shelter and increased vulnerability of people already displaced by conflict in the northeast. The situation further deteriorated in the first half of 2021, with around 294,000 new displacements reported between January and June 2021.
In East Africa, especially in Somalia and Ethiopia, many of the worst affected were already living in overcrowded and insecure camps for internally displaced people, to which many newly flood-displaced people also moved. Farmers whose crops were devastated by desert locusts were also forced to move in search of survival assistance.
熱帶風暴和氣旋 Tropical Storms & Cyclones
In January, strong winds and floods from Tropical Storm Chalane and then Cyclone Eloise damaged or destroyed the shelters of over 8,700 already internally displaced families as well as schools and hospitals in Mozambique.
季風雨 Monsoon rains
Monsoon rains led to massive flooding in Bangladesh and the displacement of millions of people following Cyclone Yaas in June 2021. In the Rohingya refugee sites in Cox’s Bazar, over 6,000 shelters were damaged and more than 25,000 refugees were forced to seek shelter in communal facilities or with other families.
漫長、無止境和反覆的流離失所 Protracted, prolonged & repeated displacement
Due to continuing or growing risk in their areas of origin (and return) or settlement, people who have been displaced by hydro-meteorological and climatic events may also be subject to repeated and frequent displacement, leaving little time for recovery between one shock and the next.
Such situations highlight the importance of disaster preparedness and risk management, but also for supporting solutions to displacement that are sustainable and supporting the resilience of people who might otherwise see their living conditions progressively eroded through repeated disasters and displacement.
生態系統 Ecosystems
Ecosystems – including terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems – and the services they provide, are affected by the changing climate and some are more vulnerable than others.
Ecosystems are degrading at an unprecedented rate, limiting their ability to support human well-being and harming their adaptive capacity to build resilience.
山地生態系 Mountain Ecosystems
Mountain ecosystems – the water towers of the world – are vulnerable and can be profoundly affected by climate change due to their low capacity to adapt. This may affect the 1.9 million people living in mountain areas.
Climate change may exacerbate water stress, especially in areas of decreased precipitation and where groundwater is already being depleted, affecting agricultural production, arable land, and the more than 2 billion people who are already experiencing water stress.
生物多樣性喪失與滅絕 Biodiversity Loss & Extinction
物種豐富度和分布的重大變化可能反過來影響物種之間的相互作用。 氣候變化也加劇了對生物多樣性的其他威脅。
Substantial changes in species abundance and distribution may in turn affect the interactions between species. Climate change also exacerbates other threats to biodiversity.
The number of species projected to go extinct increases dramatically as global temperatures rise – and is 30% higher at 2 °C warming than at 1.5 °C warming.
北極生態系 Arctic Ecosystems
Climate change is triggering the disintegration of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets and increasing the chances of the Arctic Ocean being ice-free in the summer, further disrupting ocean circulation and the Arctic ecosystem.
沿海和海洋生態系統 Coastal & Marine Ecosystems
珊瑚礁特別容易受到氣候變化的影響。 在升溫1.5°C時,預估將失去原覆蓋面積的70%至90%,在2°C時則將失去99%以上。
Rising temperatures heighten the risk of irreversible loss of marine and coastal ecosystems, including seagrass meadows and kelp forests.
Coral reefs are especially vulnerable to climate change. They are projected to lose between 70 and 90% of their former coverage area at 1.5 °C of warming and over 99% at 2 °C.
我們能做什麼? What can we do?
The climate is changing in unprecedented ways, but there are still many options to alleviate the impacts through mitigation and adaptation.
調適 Adaptation
As extreme weather events become more frequent and intense, predictions must go beyond what the weather will be to include what the weather will do.
Early Warning Systems allow people to know hazardous weather is on its way and informs how governments, communities, and individuals can act to minimize the impending impacts.
However, one-third of the world’s people, mainly in the least developed countries and small island developing states, are still not covered by early warning systems.
In Africa, it is even worse: 60% of people lack coverage.
To face this challenge, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has tasked the World Meteorological Organization to lead the effort to ensure every person on Earth is protected by early warning systems within five years.
減緩 Mitigation
However, even if adaptation is improved, the climate will continue to change unless the underlying drivers are addressed.
According to the IPCC, without immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors and regions, it will be impossible to keep warming below 1.5° C.
Fortunately, there are ways for everyone to take their part. How could your sector work toward limiting emissions?