澳洲野生物旅遊協會(Wildlife Tourism Australia Inc.)是一個非營利組織,集結旅行業者、教育工作者、學術研究者、企業與社團共同推動澳洲的永續野生物旅遊產業(Wildlife Tourism Australia (WTA) is a not for profit incorporated association representing tourist operations, educators, researchers, businesses and societies that support sustainable wildlife tourism in Australia.)。
澳洲野生物旅遊協會會員行為準則Code of Conduct
設立會員行為準則的目的是促進澳洲野生物旅遊產業以高標準達成以下訴求:(The aim of this Code of Conduct is to promote high standards within the Australian wildlife tourism industry with regard to:)
- 動物福利(animal welfare)
- 野生物與棲地保育(wildlife and habitat conservation)
- 遊客的野生物旅遊體驗品質(the quality of the visitor’s wildlife experience)
- 藉著履行這些準則,澳洲野生物旅遊協會會員將是其他業者與旅客的典範(By adopting these guidelines, members of Wildlife Tourism Australia will set an exemplary example to other operators and to tourists.)
所有澳洲野生物旅遊協會會員同意支持以下野生物旅遊原則及做法,並運用在實際作為上:(All members of Wildlife Tourism Australia agree to adhere to the following principles and practices, where applicable to their activities:)
- 遵守所有相關法令規定(Adhere to all relevant laws and license conditions.)
- 致力保護澳洲原生動植物(Be committed to the conservation of Australian native wildlife.)
- 觀賞野生物應力求將觀看時及互動時的負面影響擊降到最小(Have practices in place specifically designed to minimise any negative impacts of wildlife viewing and interaction on wildlife.)
- 避免宣傳不切實際的觀賞時機或會有負面影響的觀賞行為(Avoid marketing wildlife viewing opportunities that are unrealistic or that are likely to have a significant negative impact on the animals being viewed.)
- 堅持高標準的動物福利(Adhere to high standards of animal welfare.)
- 提供可以增進民眾生態保育覺知及行動的導覽解說內容(Provide interpretation that includes messages designed to enhance public awareness and/or involvement in conservation.)
- 致力提供會令遊客愉快、難忘及感念野生物的體驗內容(Be committed to providing a wildlife experience for visitors that is enjoyable, memorable and promotes appreciation of wildlife.)
- 不要表現出對其他種族、民族、文化或宗教的任何偏見(Do not show any bias towards other races, nationalities, cultures or religions.)
- 備有風險管理策略,尤其是專門設計一套確保遊客觀賞具潛在危險性野生動物的安全做法(Have a risk management strategy, including practices specifically designed to ensure visitor safety if potentially dangerous animals are involved in viewing.)
- 全力配合澳洲野生物旅遊協會的所有政策(Adhere to all policies of Wildlife Tourism Australia.)
- 運用適當的行銷或可能的媒材顯示澳洲野生物旅遊協會會員身分(Identify as a member of WTA where possible through appropriate marketing and promotional material.)
雖然不是成為會員的必要條件,但澳洲野生物旅遊協會鼓勵會員積極參與生態保育工作(Although not a condition of membership, WTA members are also strongly encouraged to become actively involved in conservation initiatives.)